Saturday, November 11, 2017

Reality Check.....

As the earth keeps tilting I have to now say goodby to the early sunrise shots. The sun is showing up behind the house next door.  I will just have to settle for the special effects that show up in the sky because of the sunrise. Having not lived here at this time of the year I really didn't know what things would look like. The southeast end of the house is directly in line with the sun in the morning and the reverse of course is true at night with the northwest end of the house.

The neighbors, up two houses, have the large tree   just now has its leaves changing. I am yet to know the kind of tree that it is an even though it looks like a silver maple, the leaves should be yellow by now.

The maple tree to the left of the blue spruce is almost done dropping its leaves.  I am not a fan of its shape but I am glad that it is there. The tree grows out as if the top of it had been broken off during a storm. With the leaves gone on most trees, I can now see layers of five rows of houses looking northeast. I may just mow the leaves from the maple as it seems to be easier than raking.

The kids keep growing up and the pictures need to be updated in their frames.  I finally got the new ones in their proper frames and the old ones were placed loosely into a photo album.  The album really needs to be organized but even to have one is good for us. We normally have kept boxes of photos.  On a cold windy winter day we can get them all placed in the book. The youngest one looks a lot like his older brother but we can see some differences as we look at the shots of them both.

We are venturing out today as the now normal warmth doesn't seem to be too bad. We are to get rain this afternoon. We will still visit the bookstore today and come home for a quiet afternoon. I tend to back off projects on Saturday and do treat it as a day off. I am settling in with my mind that our outdoor work is almost finished. I wish you all to have a great day and thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. This will be your first Thanksgiving and Christmas in your new home. You both seem to be very happy. Your little grandsons are cute as can be. Don't they grow fast? Hope you both enjoy your outing today and a quiet afternoon/evening. The grown children of our late neighbor are selling off what did not sell at their mother's estate sale at a yard sale today. Theo has barked at every "strange" car that has ventured down our street! Theo had 4 teeth pulled yesterday and he is slightly grumpy!
