Friday, November 10, 2017

Camera in my Pocket......

I am going to leave my camera at the hallway bench at all times.  When I take Barney out in the morning and see a beautiful sunrise, I want to take a shot of it. This morning I didn't get this wonderful shot. It was gone in seconds.  The pink in the sky was reflected on every single cloud.  I am thinking the colder weather is going to bring us more great sunrises.

Can you spot the new thing that I have added to this garden area?  I have four or five of the wagon wheels from my wife's farm home place. I put them in storage for my wife's brother and now with the move they will need to be distributed or placed in the storage unit of my her brother's. I took one out of five of them.  I really don't want any more but I could take another. I didn't plan the arrangement as it was so very cold that I just rolled it down the hill and leaned it against the stairs. Before I start the next photo, I just glanced and see there is something else in the background that is new to this garden area.

It doesn't seem to be in focus but it is almost done. I need to go to the store and get more wood buttons to cover counter sunk screws. I bought a sack with 16 buttons and apparently I needed 20.  They were inexpensive this way.  I could have bought a bag of 50 for a lot of money and I was glad to find the buttons at the craft store.

The piece has three coats of paint. I have noticed that it will get scuff marks easliy and I think it will look just like the modern furniture that is for sale at the stores.  I am not going to take sandpaper to it and fake any wear and tear marks on it but I am going to just let it get ruffed up naturally. The grandkids can put scratches in it and I will enjoy looking at them,

The support boards between the end legs works so well to keep the legs in place and the three shelf boards really strengthen the whole thing in to a sturdy piece of furniture. The painting of the boards was a real difficult thing to do though as every crossed piece of wood liked to form drips as the paint was being applied.

I did look for a before shot and found this one with it upside down. The legs were like this for 30 years or more unbraced and when the table was moved for vacuuming to take place they were always wobbly or bent off at an angle. I think that the transformation is remarkable considering I was thinking I would just lean it up on its side in the storeroom, never to be used.

I went out yesterday, all bundled up to keep warm, and planted a daylily. The soil was almost at the stage of being frozen so it was good to get that done.  I also planted a start of an antique rose that was from the old place.

When I bought the place in 1976 the rose was growing as a large wild bush on the north side of the kitchen.  It was growing around the corner of the kitchen so that building an addition on top of the major part eliminated most of it.  The plant that was growing around the corner ended up spreading to the west edge of the kitchen keeping the rose going. I am sure the rose was planted during the early 1900's when the house was built. I had a large root of it to bury yesterday and the stem on it had three very much alive sprouts on it. I hope that the new clay soil will keep it alive over the winter.  With any transplant, I can only try to replant things and hope that it works.

I looked long and hard to try to find the picture of the old fashion rose but didn't find it.  I did find this shot of our dog Button that we lost now over a year ago.  He gave us 18 years and we cherish all of the memories. He was so special to us and we still think of things about him as we move on.

We are in an Arctic freeze for most all of the day. We may sneak out for a quick grocery run but we will park close to door. Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. awwww...such a sweet photo of Button. The memories live on in our hearts. I try to keep my camera handy, like you with the sunrises. Many times when we are out and about, I forget the camera and see something fabulous! Your table is wonderful; I truly love the end result. What a transformation and so sturdy. Best wishes with all the transplants. Stay warm today. Somehow we are OUT of kitty litter and have to do a grocery run now. Thankfully the sun is out today. God bless your weekend.
