Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday Afternoon.....

I missed blogging yesterday but we have had our hands full. The two of them were with us a couple of days. AJ is the grownup in comparison to the younger guy. Teddy is running all over and opening every single cupboard door in the house. The older one is discussing things and discovering all of the toys in the basement.  His dad and Uncle Araon had lots of lego items and it was a new discovery for him.  AJ also likes to paint and draw and got to sit an his grandma's art table to work on masterpieces.

I have too many photos taken that I can share only a sample. Our son shared with me all that he has taken. That means selecting and editing a lot of shots. The youngest, Teddy, is such a great personality who loves to travel, walking everywhere that he can.  He is full of hugs and smiles.

AJ discovered his Uncle Aaron's transformers and spent a lot of time figuring out all of the moves needed to change the toy. He will be 5 in February and has grown up the past year.  He still is a little boy but he is a thinker, concentrating and learning about things in the world.  He is always moving and excited about things. The photo is a blur as he keeps moving.

The little guy loves his big brother and they keep each other entertained on the couch.  We had a great Thanksgiving dinner on Friday afternoon and we seemed to just keep eating for the next two days.  We finished off the visit with eating at the Original Pancake House before the took off to go home. Our newer home was a perfect place for visitors and made it easier to host them.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. They are precious children. So happy that they were able to spend a few days at your new home. Larry was sharing with me how tired he is from the week that Cole and Ella were here! They watched Santa arrive last night before going home today.

  2. Your grandsons are growing so fast. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving with them and their folks.

    Happy Christmas holidays decorating your 5 trees.


  3. What fun for you! They are such handsome boys and tall too! :)
