Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday Mentions with a Little Bit of Everything........

Sunday night looked a lot like this. I can't clear the suburbia clutter so I included it in the photo. I bet the whole sunset was wonderful.

Monday morning then looked like this with almost the same colors in the sky. The wind from the south did start to pickup making it feel cooler by noon.

 I spent the morning in the dentist and when I returned I mowed the front lawn.  The plan was to mulch up the leaves from the two bradford pears.  By afternoon the leaves were back on the ground.  The south wind was blowing them up hill and into my driveway.  I may have to mow this area everyday to help keep them under control. I have neighbors who have both removed these trees so they wouldn't have leaves to rake. From what I see happening with the trees that by Wednesday all of the leaves will have dropped.

It has take twelve years to get these growing this large and I don't plant to replace them. The invested time is valued by me and I am not bothered by leaves.  We drove by the old place today while returning from the dentist and I can see all the leaves have fallen from my silver maples.  I will return tomorrow and slowly mulch them up for their final time.

The bradford pear puts out a lot of different colors of leaves as they die and drop from the tree. This yellow one is caught in the burning bush shrub.

Some of them are multicolored with green edges and yellow centers. The dark purple one is an accent color that drops with all these other colored leaves.

Since I had one of these trees at the old place, I did know what to expect. It is interesting how they can be so shiny in certain colors. I do remember that they are one of the last trees to lose their leaves. Many of the houses have these trees as they were required to plant at least two when owning a home in the Glennbrook Development.

It is pretty quiet around here again as the house increased by four people for a couple of days. Each grandson has his own thing that they do to entertain their grandparents.  The youngest one really bonded with his grandparents and yet is too young to hold on to  a lot of that. We, the grandparents, and the dog are resting today.  It was so great to see them all. Our newer home worked so well at accommodating guests. This house was a good choice especially for that reason.

Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I know you both miss those little grandsons. So happy that they were able to visit you in your new home. I like the Bradford pear trees. They are pretty in the spring too. The berries on the burning bush are pretty too. Hope your dental appt. went well. We both go tomorrow.
