Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wednesday's Ways......

The grandkids will be here soon and milk and cookies will be on the menu. We survived the grocery stores twice now and won't be going back again.

The burning bush is dropping leaves. Its orange color looks good on a cold fall day. The tube around the base has to be removed. I am not sure why some one would do that as you can choke off a tree that way. I am hoping that a box cutter will make fast work of it.

We now have two gold reindeer to assemble and place in the yard. We will wait until Thanksgiving day to put them outside in the front yard. I will add other things with lights on them later on.

I shared this on my Photo blog.  It is our view looking up the street.  Our one neighbor has the wedge-shaped lot and then we are all in line the rest of the way up the street. It is northwest most of the way up the rest of the street. A slight turn at the top puts us back straight with the world with an east to west street.

The pinecones at the top of the spruce are still hanging on tightly. The next door neighbor had a different pine  which it was covered with hundreds of cones.  They are already all on the ground. I am thinking it was the blue jays than liked this kind of pinecone when we lived at our other house.

It is a busy day with things to get done before company.  We will have T-day alone by ourselves so we can be rested up for company on Friday.  Thank you all for stopping by today at my blog.


  1. I love that Burning Bush, the color is just hanging in there !
    Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving Larry and family, I'm blessed to have you as a bloggy friend.

  2. You two live on a beautiful street. I wish you both a very nice Thanksgiving Day and lots of fun with the grandsons tomorrow.
