Thursday, November 2, 2017

Wed. Blog Moved from Photo a Day

The photo reminds me of the stories told of people doing "cow tipping". In the scheme of things, I think it was just a funny saying telling people they wanted to go do that.  In reality, cows lay down to sleep, unlike a horse that might stand and sleep.  It seem appropriate that I could blame some halloween prankster on tipping over my goose. In fact the wind was really strong and I don't anchor them into the ground. I just noticed that there is a bracket to aid in keeping them held to the ground.  I move them every chance I get to make it seem like they are alive and moving around in the yard. I won't ever anchor them.

With all the red twig dogwoods trimmed back and the zinnia stems removed, I really won't have a reason to go out there any more.  I have one tree that will have leaves for me to rake but not for another two weeks or so. I cleared the raised garden yesterday and the two gardens in the front yard. The one other front garden next to the house will be done as the mums seem to be too bad to look at. I think I need to trim back the branches of the knock out roses but I may wait until there is snow on the ground.

The after view of the raised bed looks like this. I have a batch of chive there on the corner that I had rescued from last years owner.  It had been dumped out on the the garden.  I planted it. I suppose I could put grass clipping on this or a straw but that is in the future.

The front yard now looks like this.  You can see a scant line where all the peonies were and the stone planter is almost cleared. I thought the leaves would collect in the peony stems and they had already quite a collection. The mums are stunted and starting to turn brown from the different freezings we have had. Today though we are told will have a high of 61 degrees F.

I will shorten the story about this next project.  When I was young and not so bright, I cut down an oak library table to make it into a coffee table. It was the rage to do that back in the 70's. People even cut down the round oak tables with animal clawed legs.  Anyway, my wife and I are both tired of it. We bought a new oak coffee table that we really like.

This table is destined for a remodel or restyled look. The legs need braces in all directions.  I can't restore the original bracing but I am going to design and create a Frank Lloyed Wright piece of furniture.  Once it is done, it will become a more modern-looking table with a bone white coat of paint. It will work great with our new chairs in the family room and the grandkids can play on it just like our two boys did. I am on hold with the job right now as I need to bring my good miter saw to the new house tomorrow.  Then I can cut and put together the newer table. As a last thought, if I ever wanted a library table, they are being recreated now for sale with hardwoods and great finishes that make the old fashion dark varnished one look sad.

 As I had this turned over, I see a label that was placed on the bottom and the parts of the table were placed on top of it.  I can read Omaha  on the label but the number of the piece was never filled in on the paper.  I actually got this table free from a teacher friend that had huge old house to clear out.  It was in Coin, Iowa which is in the far south part of the state.

It is the same town that I bought some antique dishes at an auction. We used them for a long time and the name of the pattern was "Mildred".

The tomatoes that were cleared right before the first freeze have a few that are ripening. . I had the car into the shop today for a check up in the morning and this afternoon we are going to be out and about. It will warm to the 60's today and that will be a nice change.  Thank you for stopping by today.

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