Friday, December 1, 2017

It Starts....the Great Rollout.

We bought a cheap tree to place on the back deck for our first decoration for Christmas. In my mind I wanted a ten foot tree loaded with lights the could be seen from miles around. The reality is that it is a six foot fake tree.  We will enjoy it but I wanted to have it there for all the kids to see that live in our backyards. Our second story deck places it up in the air for them to have a better view. I will add a large string of white lights to it to bring it up to code.

It is neat to see the tree from the dinning room window in the evening.  I was exhausted from yesterdays work, so an easy assemble tree was all I could muster up for yesterday. My wife and I had to unfold all the branches but it went together pretty quickly.

I did get electricity to the deer last night.  The deer are wrapped in reflective tape so I don't think I will be able to ever get a good shot of them.

I guess this indoor shot almost made it into the focus category, but light reflecting off of it messes with the automatic camera lens. I am not going to work on the house today, even though the weather is good. I just did too many days of work this week for an old man. I will try to get some chores done around home and maybe a Christmas tree may go up today.

I belong to a group on Facebook that shares photos taken of Iowa things and animals.  The photos I submitted yesterday to that group were very much scrutinized and it was verified by many that they were trumpeter swans. I don't know where they are heading from the highway pond but they are surely gone by now. It was marvelous that I stopped along the highway to deal with making a phone call and to stumble onto this unusual sighting for me. I randomly shot photos not know if the camera was picking up anything but it did.  I didn't have a single bad image. I would like to stop by again deliberately to take a shot of the beaver hutch that is on that small pond.

Thanks everyone for stopping by today.


  1. I love the tree on your back deck for the neighbors to enjoy and it is pretty from inside your home too. Hope you can take it easy and feel better soon. God bless you both this weekend. Happy December.

  2. yes Trumpeter Swans probably from Minnesota! :)
