Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wild Fowl Surprise........

I could have gone off road here but I was not looking forward to backing it up to the highway again.  I had stopped along the road to mess with the cell phone which aways gives me grief.  I glanced over to the lake that was created by the highway department 35 years ago and I could not believe what I was seeing.

I glanced over and saw large water fowl on the water. I at first thought they were three Canada geese. I left the door open to the truck and left the engine running as I thought I would not be here long. There are tracks of cars and trucks along the dike area but I wasn't going to loose my truck, so I walked. We see people fishing on the manmade hole in the ground all season long. They ice fish on it also.

The sun was in the right place for good lighting but the camera screen is not working with the reflection on it.  I just zoomed and randomly snapped as I also couldn't see what photos I was getting. I am declaring them to be trumpeter swans near Granger, Iowa.  If I am wrong, please tell me what else that they are.

I did take a lot of photos thinking maybe one of them would be good to prove that I had seen these swans.  I don't understand how the migrate but it looks like to me the couple have three young ones. They are old enough to start turning white.

I was late coming home from the old place and this did make me later. I did get the phone to work and offered to buy subway sandwiches on the way home.  It is in a town  close to where we live.  My former superintendent boss owns it.  I am glad that I finally caught swans as I tried to call every wild fowl I would see a swan until I would zoom in for me to see that the pelicans are not swans.

Thank you for stopping by today.  As you can see below my painter did not get the house painted with a new color.  I have been touching up the old paint on the art gallery wing.


  1. I bet that was a fun find! We seen swans flying over on the way home last night, but I have not had the opportunity to photograph any.
