Sunday, December 3, 2017

Memories from last week's visit.......

A full moon glows as the fake tree glows with colors in the foreground. It is a study of the natural with the unnatural. The guy who was stuck wrapping lights on the tree on the assembly line, put one special blue light on the very tip of the top of the tree. Only after I photograph it that I notice how crooked the top is and that I could adjust its position better. I honestly didn't expect a visual worth seeing but here it is.

Everyone was concerned about how our grandsons would relate to Barney and vice versa.  Teddy was old enough that he wouldn't get knocked down by a walking dog. Barney loves little people. He has always liked the neighbor girls and would lay down in front of them so they could pet him. Our concern was the possibilities of someone stepping on his tail or a paw.  Barney shows teeth in response of a misstep around him.  We didn't know how he will behave if a little guy would fall on him.

When everyone arrived, Barney was right there to see who was coming through our door. He knew our son and his wife so the kids were new visitors.  His tail doesn't wag that often anymore but it sure did when the little people showed.  AJ was very good with Barney and both had an understanding. Barney really does like to nap so he didn't stay on things after awhile. The dog needs his naps.

Teddy is young. He has been patting dogs while they go on walks at home.  I don't think he understands the concept of petting at all. Teddy was still having fun to have the dog around the house.

His petting really was just a soft touch.  I think he was taught that by his parents but he also looks like he is playing "tag, you are it". It all worked out with the three of them. I think it was cute to see the dog was hanging around Teddy and keeping track of him.

Teddy's mom is not a dog person and is very allergic to cats, but she took time to sit in front on Barney and pet him very well while the little one watched. That made Barney very happy as he had been trying to win her over for a long time.

Our son took a lot of photos and I finally have been able to access them and move them into the correct file. I thought this series needed to be shared as they do help tell the story of how well the kids and Barney got along.

I shared earlier in another posting  the photo of Teddy under the table with Barney.  This was the second day and Barney was retreating away from all the traffic on the floor.  We were proud of our boys for behaving so well around the dog and we were especially proud of Barney as to how well he had behaved too.

Thank you for stopping by today.  Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Barney was a champ! It looks like everyone got along just fine, dogs are sometimes more patient with children than they are adults! I am glad to hear that Barney won over your daughter in law...a small triumph for the dog! Chance has a gal he likes too and she is not a dog person :)
