Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Missed a Day......

The morning sky doesn't really tell the whole story of our weather.  I worked outside for a large part of the day yesterday and then the temperatures started to drop. I had long sleeves on with no coat most of the morning. as it was like a balmy spring morning.  We did know the cold was coming from the north.  It came with very high winds making it instantly winter coat weather for the rest of the day.

As the wind blows I learned a new thing about our new place. The wind comes down the hill rapidly and shifts the leaves onto the next yard.  Then the next gust takes it on to the next yard.  I would not want to live at the bottom.  I am still glad that I picked up all my leaves from the bradford pear trees. I had a half of truck bed of leaves from raking them.  Those leave would have been scattered down the hill in no time. I had raked them to keep my neighbors on both sides from being irritated.  As the wind blew I could see the variety of leaves from all the different trees in the neighborhood.

I did miss doing a posting yesterday.  I had the one day only to get my painting done up at the old place.  I repainted the door trims around two of the doors and messed with painting under the porches.  I didn't get done but now the temperatures are too cold to allow me to work.  I did buy a gallon of porch paint to put on both porch floors and steps.  I painted it all down to emptying the bucket.  I was exhausted but I had to get it on without delay. It all looks better but when you do a fresh paint job in one area then the next area looks bad.  If I can squeeze in one 50's degree day sometime this month I will go back again. It would have been nice to have a painter do it but it stayed too cold and the shingle guy really mess up the work schedule by putting me at the end of his list.

I am so glad we moved.  I am not happy that I can't find anything.  All my boxes in the basement have Christmas decorations but I am still not finding what I need.  When we took down the decorations we knew that the next Christmas would be at the new place. We packed things well. We sort have labelled things pretty good.  I am still looking for legs for one of the trees and I am missing two trees.  My glassblown trees, one small and the other medium in size, do not exist anymore.  I know I was having trouble with the smaller one's base.  I must have tossed it.  The medium sized one too was giving me trouble.  It must have also gone to the landfill. I do have visions of tossing trees but really don't remember the specifics.

The photo at left shows what we have been looking at for a couple of days. Our energy levels are really low right now so we just tolerated the stick in its base. The viral thing that I had is almost gone. The viral cold that my wife has is so much better but the energy levels seem low yet.

Last evening the assembly began.  I am grumbling again but one box was not in the same area as the others.  I never put the tree up starting in the middle but I did last night. Box one, which had all the small pieces of three layers on the tree was not with the other four boxes.

My low brain function told be to go ahead and put on all the branches that I did have and then I would know what to look for to find the rest.

I did find the last box over in a corner buried under other boxes of random ornaments and things. It took over an hour to do it but we do have a full tree now.  It is a blank slate waiting for me to put on the lights. Sometime today I will get the lights on it.  I do think I am going to have to go buy some trees for my antique-looking glass blown ornaments. It will all work out as I live only 4 miles away from four stores that sells fake trees.

I am a lot achey today from yesterday's manual labor.  The tasks I do will just get done when I can.  I have a retired persons hours so I can even rest between spurts of working today.  When I was under the weather a few days ago, I laid out the large birdcage parts but didn't go ahead and assemble it.  That is on my list to start.  I was having to walk around all the parts laid out on the floor so I need to get it done.  Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope everyone is doing well.


  1. I'm also glad we moved. (Can't believe we actuualy did it!) And I'm also not finding what I want among all the boxes, and feeling that low brain function too!

  2. I figured you were ill when you missed a day. You have been busy! Good thing the weather cooperated for a few days. It is cold here now with an icy wind. Yes as I recall you threw out a tree cause the base was broken or some such thing...go back and read in your blog and find out!
    I hope Della is feeling better too! There are germs everywhere...I wipe down the grocery cart every time I shop...little kids that sit in the front of the carts are germy little guys:)
