Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday's Report.......

A department store manger scene has been a part of our collection for a long time. The detail on the piece makes it an interesting one to see.  The detail of maybe a more European style piece does make it more special. That is one thing that we don't collect.  We meet people in stores who do collect them and they say the have one of every brand.  Our spare bedroom has become the Christmas room.  When things don't have a traditional place in the house yet and we don't know what to do with them, they go into the spare room.

As the new large tree was waiting for decorations I had decided to put all the glass blown ornaments on it and not have a second separate tree for the small ones.  It all seemed to be a good idea even though I had bought a smaller tree for that purpose last year because the base of the collection kept failing and the tree leaned.

It was a great idea until I opened the last box.  I decided that I didn't want to mix this entire box with the big ornaments. I don't know if people in my past remember, but  a photo of this box of these small ornaments made it on a big banner in downtown Des Moines.  Someone at the Meredith Corporation downtown searched for photos and found mine on the blog.  They used it turning it into a two story image and it was hung for all to see. I don't put copy write things on my photos so it was borrowed, (stolen) and put into a great image display.  They had photoshopped a couple of pieces in as there probably were some ornaments that were backwards in the box. The were transformed and the whole image had a little bit of a haze effect to make them look more magical. I was proud to see people appreciate my crazy ways of taking photos

So in the Christmas room. there are actually two trees now.  The one in the window for people to see from outside and the one on the antique dresser.  I really have no other place in our living area to display it. It could have gone onto the commode next to the stairway but that would mean four trees in one room. Also if an ornament would fall from the tree it would head down the stairs. Once everything is in place, I promise to get off the tree conversations.

When I enter the room at night to shut down the lights, I notice the trees are putting off a lot of heat. We really have not finished setting up the spare room.  We need a headboard for the bed and we haven't chosen artwork  for the walls.  I hung small pastels that I painted on the nails temporarily because the former owners had left in their nails

Plastic is quick and easy for doing things outside. I have a tree on the deck that needs these and I used some of them to class up the appearance of the wreathe on the garage.  I decided not to light it and the reflective balls make it look better. They are not a priority thing to do but will get done.

I am staying away from the old place for awhile.  I still need to bring down a kiln that is in the old shed but I am still recovering from the potter's wheel move.  The kiln is not heavy but it is bulky.  My day will be finishing up small chores everywhere I go through the house.  The easy chair is going to be one of my chores also.

Our weather is cold but it is normal.  I hope everyone is have weather that they do like.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I love seeing your and Della's trees/decor. Please continue to share with us here on the blog. I know your home must be gorgeous at night time from the street, too. Such a shame that Meredith Corp. did not ask permission to take/use your photo but it was a compliment. A corp should know better! Be sure to take coffee breaks and some time in the easy chair.

  2. Fun that you have a Christmas room! I like your tree on the dresser:)
