Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday's Things.....

I was encouraged by one of my blog friends, Karen, to go outside and take some shots.  I didn't think it would work but I did get images. I could have had a fatter tree for the window but I would have room for the bed in that room.

I did get a better shot of the diet.  The shot actually shows the material that is wrapped around the frames of them. Our wind was so strong last night that I wasn't sure they would still be standing this morning.  I kept my decorating to simple things this year and I think it should stay that way.  With the reflection off of the gold painted wrappings, I never expected to get this shot.

With my wife finishing up her angel tree I have new things to photograph. The mostly all white ornaments makes the contrast to work well. This is a cheaper ornament that still is an effective decoration with great form.

I was surprised to see the Split Rock Lighthouse on a shelf in the bathroom.  As things on our shelves get shifted for Christmas my wife placed it on the oak shelf with a sea shell.

We are 16 degrees F. this morning.  It is cold but there is no snow on the ground. I am not adjusting to the cold that well this year but I do dress very warmly all the times that I take out Barney. This morning Barney really didn't want to stay outside for very long. He acted like he didn't want me to walk him all over the yard.  He was ready to head back end. There is still a windchill that makes it more shocking to the system.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your place is looking good! You are way ahead of me. It has been kinda blowing snow around the past two days, roads are slippery so we are at home:) Chance doesn't want to stay outside by himself when the wind blows. He is feeling somewhat better, he is on boiled hamburger and rice diet and keeping it down:) Taking care of old dogs really sucks sometimes.

  2. Your home looks lovely decorated for Christmas. I still have my lights to put up outside.

    16 degrees!!!! Yikes! That is way too cold for me.

    Keep warm and happy Christmas holidays ~ FlowerLady
