Saturday, December 30, 2017

Saturday's Stuff.......

Flowers and vegetable plants makes a yard look more interesting, along with green grass. The present status of the back yard is frigid cold air and sometimes a wind of 14mph.  I was out shoveling a while ago and I was certainly bundled up as much as I could be. The sidewalks are really easy to do with my trusty shovel and the driveway is just a big space.  My job looks shabby compared to both of my neighbors but I don't get out at 6:00 in the morning to do mine before tracks of people and a dog have walked on it.

I have found something new to photograph for a short while.  It is a cemetery over by the Saylorville Lake that sits at the top of the hill. I will share more of this pioneer cemetery as time goes by but for now I will peak your interest with this one marker.  A lot of the early graves are dated in the late 1800s. There is not a town around so I need to figure out the name of it. It is still a cemetery that is still open as I have seen three different funerals being held there through the summer.

There it still lays on the floor.  I am anxious to get it put together but life's happenings seems to get in the way. I like how the drill lays there when I was at first going to start to assemble. We went to a movie or shopping for Christmas presents and such. Presents are in the mail now and we are frozen inside now.

Yes it still is a viable addiction, this buying of Christmas ornaments. They were sitting on the shelf and prices were dropped.  Acorn is a traditional shape for ornaments dating back to as far back as when ornaments were first made. If I find the hangers I could hang them but I could just bring them out next year.

I found these yesterday in the antique dresser that they now are displayed.  I didn't forget about them, I just knew they were moved. I didn't know where they had landed. The dresser is full of milk glass and other kinds of glassware. I guess these were in glass containers and that is where they landed.  The surface of these are really badly worn.  I think that only a third of them are shiny brites and the rest are competition companies. I rescued some of them from a box in my mom's crawl space so they were being treated to a bad climate. Some are just flaking off their color. I should review them and sort out the best and put them back into use on the old fashion tree.

I am sharing things from all areas today. This is something that I found a few weeks ago.  I was certain that I didn't have it and it must have been randomly tossed. It is my first train as kid, receiving it at Christmas time. I don't remember the one other car but the engine has seen a lot of abuse.  It is a thin metal so it wouldn't wert too well. I have seen these is photos looking brand new but mine has been thrown in toy boxes too many times.

We are below zero today and I think 0 degrees F. is the high for today.  We are going to be in the deep chill tonight being -24 degrees F.  The next two days are going to be about the same, as Tuesday noon seems to be the day that they are lifting warnings. We are doing fine though and will just not venture out.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Brrr bundle up Larry when outside shoveling. I have been following the news accounts of frigid temps and snowfall in other oarts of the U.S. some make our 8-inch Christmas Day snowfall seem quite meager by comparison. I liked the vintage ornaments in Mason jars and adding a ribbon might make them more decorative. The old trains from your childhood were great to see today. Happy New Year to you and Your family from us.πŸΎπŸŽ‰

  2. -33 here now, we have warnings until Monday morning. We were staying home too but the TV in the living Room we had to venture out for a new one. Stay warm and safe we don't plan to leave again til was like a ghost town :)

  3. I think that is Lincoln Cemetery. Here is what Find A Grave says
    located at NW Beaver Dr and 100th St (East of Granger and west of Polk City from the mile long bridge)
    I bet there is some good stories in that cemetery:)

  4. I would NOT be able to stand your frigid temps, after having lived down here in tropical s.e. FL all these years.

    Happy New Year & keep warm ~ FlowerLady

  5. I too did find that it is called Lincoln Cemetery. Find a Grave proves to be very useful.
