Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Awaiting....

I was surprised by this sunrise this morning. It was nice to see as it reminded me of the warm summer mornings. My new camera did do the job. It was cold out there on the deck but I still had all my warm clothes on that I have to wear for Barney's early morning outdoor trip.

It is safe and warm inside as you can see  that the sansevieria is happy .  It is one of the transplants from my overgrown set of plants and did spend the summer outside.

This one is doing well too. I remember when I thought the antique flower pot was undesirable but now 40 years later, I like it.  This is the kind of plant that doesn't require care. It is a lot like the crab grass that just keeps on growing.

I know that the waterfowl can take care of itself. It bothers me that they wait until it all freezes over and then they have to head south.  There are a few rare locations in a smaller lake that is still open and it is filled with Canada geese. From seeing photos of birds on the net, the far southern west part of Iowa has the swans, geese and seagulls. I bet even now that there might be open water there along their rivers in their valley. I use to live down by Shenandoah and photos from there show the swans competing with all the smaller ducks and geese.

We are going to venture out today.  It is crazy but we will stay safe in the car. I  will park as close as possible to our destination.  I wish you all to have a great New Year's Eve.  Thanks for stopping by today.