Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Accidental Shot.....

I am at the sliding glass door trying to take a shot of the moon. It is too cold for me to go out and I thought I would just try getting a shot of the white globe. Within ten seconds it just happened.  Those pesky geese came flying into the shot. I didn't have time to grab a coat so I just kept shooting through the glass.

A different edited version of the header looks like this. The time period probably was lest than thirty seconds. From experience I know that the shots could just be really bad or one of them might be good.

They were almost gone when I caught this one shot with the sunlight shining on their underneath bodies. I believe I slid the door open and took the one last shot. The house drops a few degrees when I do that. The catching of the trumpeter swans a month or so ago was really a highlight and now this. The geese make me look like a real wildlife artist but no I was just darn lucky with this one.

The train rack is looking more like a train wreck right now. I made a lot of headway on the shelving piece.  I had to engineer things as I went along making things strong and secure.

It was a little cool in the workroom but the lighting is so great down there.  I moved a lighting fixture over to the area where the table sits. It is so nice to have the space.

Glue and screws were my choice of fasteners.  The whole piece is upside down here showing the screws that I use to connect the vertical shelf supports. I counter sunk all of the screws which required me to predrill holes and then make the larger holes for the screw heads to fit into. Once the screws are all in I can use a little filler and paint it up nice a smooth.

I brought it up to share with my wife in the living room.  I wanted her to discuss the design feature at the bottom.  I had three or four ways to finish up the bottom brace system.

One option is to add a small horizontal piece between the brackets. I can shorten it to just fit over the two brackets, in line with the sides of them.  I could just leave it just like this.

An arts and crafts look could be done with this smaller strip of wood. All will be painted so when you see the walnut scrap of wood or the oak small strip don't get excited. If my shelf unit was of a good wood and not pine I could have sealed it, leaving all those colors.

One final choice could be to use the small piece from edge to edge of the brackets. Not to show my flaws but the bracket is not fitting well against the shelf and that is why I am putting something there to cover the crack.  I will make a final decisions by the end of the day.  I do fly by the seat of my pants sometime.

It is an accident that this blog was published and not finished.  I haven't looked but I must have published while working on it yesterday.  I was going to come back and erase some of all of this. I will edit it after it is posted.

So it is already on the net so I will just say, have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. HA! Larry DIW-ing things as well today. Love the picture of the birds. I thought thy might be Canadian at first. I love how the Iowa sun ( either setting or rising) colors the landscape in strange ( non-typical) colors. Every not and then, when there are clouds but the sun is setting, all of the houses around us glow an eerie shade of orange/violet. I have tried several times to capture it with my camera, but the camera"fixes" it. Your camera must be "smarter" than mine.. hehe.

  2. Now the goose shot is one you'll remember for a long time.

  3. They may be lucky shots, but they're great!
