Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tuesday's Things...

The full moon that was out last night was almost down to the horizon this morning.  I heard information that it appears 14% larger because it is closer to us right now

As I walked to the bottom of the drive I could get a clearer shot of it. The camera didn't pick up the bright sky but tended to dull it as it tried to focus on the trees and not the moon.

The deck stairs has accumulated a lot of snow from  the past four days. I didn't get some of thees things brought in from outside. The snow on the opposite side of the stairs is covered with snow making the photo confusing.

The new guy stands in the middle. He seems to be thin compared to the others. I didn't make it in to any real sales so I didn't see if they still had nutcrackers. My wife buys them to feed my collection so I should not be buying them.

It is an unplanned day. I feel like I have wasted a day when it is empty of things but I can see myself migrating to the downstairs eventually. Getting the garbage out and the dog dodo taken care of is enough for me giving me a feeling of accomplishment. It may be that I just don't have to dread going to do that now.

We made a cake last night and I can see a cake break will be in order sometime today. My wife is a little under the weather so staying home is a must.  I hope it can  stay low key for most of the day.  The cake was an inspiration from a blogger friend that had made a Christmas cake.  We don't do that but we could start doing it as a new tradition.  Mince pie is a given for sure for the holidays.  Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all is well with you and you are safe and warm.


  1. I enjoyed seeing your nutcrackers, Larry. My collection begins and ends at 2 - the traditional soldier and a woodsman. These were gifts I had given my late mother years ago, but I don't think she fully appreciated them as much as I did. They were made in Germany and now I display them during the holidays.

  2. I hope Della is feeling better! I only have one nutcracker:)
