Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday’s World.....

As I look out my side window in the downstairs room I see this dried up bloom of a hydrangea. I planted it against the house late in the summer and really didn’t go back to trim it back. It looks strange like that but I am betting it did survive.  They are tough.  It was dug from the old house where I had gotten a start of it from a house up the street. The root and stem was probably only a foot tall. I am so anxious to see what happens with this plant and all of the others that I brought to the new place.  In two months, things should let me see how things are doing.

We are thinking more about spring as we have two paintings on display on our basement stair ledge. We don’t know exactly what to do with his whole area of the house. Above all of this is a large wall where the former owners hung a large banner.  Their hooks are still in the wall. We won’t be doing that.

Our thoughts of putting shelves on walls to fill space in which can be used for display of things and art work. It does seem to be our next move. We are not rushing out to get anything and will live with blank walls until they bothers us too much.

The red twig dogwood shrubs are putting out their great color. I trimmed all six or seven of them back last fall and I am curious to see how much new growth will take place this summer.  After trimming them, we noticed we are seeing a lot more of the neighbor's house behind the fence.  It was nice to have it big and did make a good visual barrier. Our living quarters is one floor up compared to theirs so we are looking down on them.  Maybe the trim will help them be a better shaped shrub so I can let them grow tall again.

I have mentioned before how all the trash from people's place as ite does blow down the street.  When the wind is just right it blows it diagonally down my hill and into the backyard.  I need to go pick it up today. I saw this morning out the birds sliding glass door a Busch beer box along with newspapers. A large flat pice of cardboard is over in the corner of the fence. I have mentioned before that the garbage trucks place garbage in one bin in the front of the truck. When the small bin is full they flip it back overhead into the major big bin.  During that process, the wind can blow things out of that flow o ftrash .  It reminds me of people who use to willow out chaff from seed. The garbage truck works best if everyone is using plastic trash bags that are shut. I have seen the dump when ten or more items flew away in the wind.

I am glad I took my photos of the moon two days ago as we have been overcast for a couple of days now. All I could see last night was the cloudy sky.  I  knew there was a moon up there doing different things but not in my neighborhood.

We take my wife’s friend from the nursing home to her apartment today.  She needed to have rehab to get back on her feet again.  The flu was the problem and the hospital did get her back again.   We got her apartment ready for her yesterday and today we transfer her to her place.  She is not completely better so  we will keep an eye on her.  She is an independent soul so we won’t hover but we make sure we can get groceries and wha ever for her to get back to functioning on her own as best she can. I do hope she can get well enough to go do here own shopping but time will tell on that.

I hope everyone is good.  I am praying for some to be better, health wise, and wish everyone to stay safe and warm. It is good to get this up today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The flu is a bugger this year. Hope you don,t get it. Good to hear your friend is going home. We might go home Thursday. Slight improvements are noted along with some crankiness.

  2. As you can tell, I am going thru your blog posts backward. I see now that you spent time gathering groceries etc for your friend. I will keep her in my prayers.
    As for the trash...funny story...the house we grew up in as kids had an additional vacant lot. Daddy was so proud of that lot for us to play ball, ride bikes etc. But it seemed that everybody in town threw out their beer bottles on that vacant lot. Daddy was a deacon at the Baptist Church and folks enjoyed ribbing him about those beer bottles! lol lol
    It is cold here and the flu is bad. We are weary of staying in but we are trying our best to stay healthy. The dr. wanted to put John on insulin this week but we pleaded for 6 weeks to change his diet AND wait for the flu to die down before making another appt.
