Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Checking in Today....

I do believe that this is Sunday morning's sunrise. Note that the sun now has moved in position and is not behind that house to the right. I have to go out on the back deck and look down towards the east around the house of mine and the neighbors.  Our house looks great sitting off line with true north and south but it still drives me crazy.  I had Barney out late this afternoon and I could actually see the sun starting to set, up and to my right. There are too many houses in the way to see the actual seeing.

I was able to get a shot of the moon, late Monday afternoon. When seeing others shots of it, I still don’t have the best shot, but this one seems pretty good to me.  I have taken so many failed shots of the moon in my past.

My big pot of oxalis is surviving the winter just fine while sitting inside, in front, of the sliding glass door. They are a little droopy but are green.

A gift from our kids in Maine is this wind chime. It is made in glass that resembles sea glass found along the Atlantic shore line. It hangs above the oxalis next to the bird cages.  Every night and morning when I move the curtains for the birds, I get to hear them chime. The birds are so happy in the morning when I push back the curtains to let them see the out of doors.  The make danger signals to each other whenever they see something outside that looks dangerous. Other birds are out and about and they do see them.

Barney doesn’t get to be in the basement so they can’t be startled by him anymore. He really never noticed them when we were at the old house but they did notice him.  I guess he reminded them of a large creature that could hurt them.

We are busy doing things today but nothing too specific. We need to get my wife’s friend apartment ready for her when she goes home tomorrow.  We have food to stock and a bed to make.  The things we can do so she doesn’t have to worry about it when she gets back. She is a very independent person so she will figure out how she can make it on her own.  She was getting to be dependent on her walker to go places but at home she can manage. Our weather is very cold today so we have to bundle up to go places.  We have a few errands for ourselves to do also.  Thanks for stopping in today. Have a good Tuesday.


  1. I wish I could capture the moon the same way you do. Sadly, My camera(s) are not that good I guess. Such pretty daytime moons here in Iowa.

  2. Good to hear that your friend will go home. Barney is looking good Loved your moon shot, I will probably miss the big moon, or maybe it was last night. Make sure Della disinfects every grocery cart and what ever else she touches in public places. We are back in a far away hospital, chance is with Miney and little Elvis. Was only home 22 hours between hospitals. RSV sucks. I have not left the room and everyone wears gowns masks and gloves in here. Improvement is slow

  3. I love your moon shots and the sky pics you share. Those chimes are so pretty. I can just imagine your birds so happy to see when you open the curtains. Sweet photo of Barney.
