Friday, January 19, 2018


The oldest grandson really liked petting Barney. He understood that the dog liked being rubbed. This was back in late November. 

The youngest one would just touch lightly as it was more the game of touch. He did like to be around him but he didn’t get so close that he would lay on him.

The big tree comes down today.  We started on it last night getting three boxes of things off of it.  There are more ornaments than that but it will be easier because of the evening work.

The train pile keeps getting bigger as I find them all over the basement. I had used some for designing things and I had to check to see if my shelves were big enough. I had a second pile in the workshop as I would go get some to see if I was making a mistake with the design of it.

It will be another warm day today and we will be glad.  I can see the snow leave every few hours between the times that I take the dog outside. Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Thankful that your day will be warmer. Cute pics of your grandsons with Barney. I have pictures from 15 years ago of Karen's granddaughters petting our late Harriet. You two have a good day.

  2. Your snow may be gone but look out next week, a storm is missing us...maybe it will miss you too! :)
