Thursday, January 18, 2018

Melting.....a Little.

It is melting and I am glad.  We see snow that is now gone from rooftops.  The driveways that were partially cleared are going to now clear naturally. We are 34 degrees F. right now and it is going to warm up more for the next four hours and then it will drop again.

This clock is more decorative than functional.  It has gained on time and I will have to get a stepladder to set it back.

I have two coats of varnish on it now. I learned from an elderly farm woman years ago that the final finish is to be done with steel wool and paste wax. I don’t know if I will get to that today or not.  While working at the old house this morning I found one more piece of wood, oak, that can be placed at the top for decoration. I won’t have a grand revelation of the shelf unit until next week as my days seem to be so filled. I got into two areas that had frozen pipes. today. The water had been shut off during our extreme cold spells.  The one batch, I have a a temporary fix and the next fix is going to involve installing a new bathroom sink base. I was planning on replacing it but now it has been put to the top of my list.

I may have mentioned it before but I did find my glass toy collection.  I have acquired these from different sources.  The train is one that I step on while walking around in the old attic of my wife’s old farmhouse. The scottie was from my wife’s cousin who just passed away 8 months ago. I can see now that the airplane is not on the shelf with them but I do know where it is and can move it soon.

Our weather is warming up enough for a while that I know have to go back to working on the old place. I am at the end of an arthritic attack on my left hand. It is getting better but it was touch and go for a while.  I didn’t like pecking on the keyboard but I figure I could call it therapy. It seems like that I do something that messes with my hands bruising the muscles of joints that I pay for it later. Shoveling snow has been a bummer for me and I have to rethink how to do that now.

Thank you for stopping by today.  Everyone take care.


  1. Hello, The vignette you have created is very nice. Is that above your kitchen cabinet? I like those glass toys too. I see them in antique shops occasionally. Sorry about your hand hurting so. John has the same problem after working in the yard, holding a rake etc. He has some "copper" lined gloves that he "thinks" help his when they get real painful.
    We were trapped indoors yesterday due to icy roads but had a warm up today. We've had 3 animals at the vet, but they are all better now.

  2. We have a little glass Scotty like that. (And had two real Scotties).

  3. I like all your collections! Enjoy the warmer weather, the shoveling has raised havok with my bad hand/arm too. shoveling sucks:(
