Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday’s Full of Action.......

We sort of have to recycle here in our city.  It requires a specially marked bin that this truck picks up with an automated arm, lifting it straight up and then tips into a holding bin directly behind the cab. Yesterday I witnessed the operation as the driver sends the whole bin up into the air. It looks like he is going o dump it all out on the street but they don’t.  It was actually up in the air farther than this but it was bing broutht down when I took the photo. It is a giant compactor and there is a weighted panel inside that is forced down to crush the load to to the back to make more room for mor recycle materials. I didn’t know about this process but I could hear it yesterday straining as it put pressure on it to compact it.

I caught this shot as the neighbor’s one bin is at the top of the loader being poured out.  The only problem that can occur is that cardboard pieces that are pressed in at an angle won’t come loose during the pour. You can still have a half of bin of cardboard  left over in the bin when it has been unloaded.

It was a difficult route for the drivers as this was the after Christmas pick up. Lots of bins were overflowing and the arm doesn’t pick up stuff that falls as it is picked up.  The driver’s door is on the right side of the truck and the driver has to slip out an pick it up. Barney was out with me as I had taken the camera out o take a sky shot

The sky shot wasn’t so great as the clouds were all over the hill behind the houses. The cold weather keeps us having says streaked with long narrow clouds.

My deer keep grazing on the snow. No wonder they don’t have any meat on there bones.  If all our neighborhood’s fences were not up we would have deer as we are surrounded by timber areas in three directions. There are a lot of deer that surround the lake area in all the timbers.

When you are so tied of the white and cold one needs to buy blooms from afar. They are either grown in California  or South America.  When you live in a mostly white world it does seem more color is needed in out lives.  I did shovel a path for Barney so he could walk through the snow and there is some green grass still under the snow.

It is Saturday and we will be out and about for a while.  I wish you all to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We recycle ourselves , we have big bins in neighboring towns, we usually recycle on Thursdays. Once you get in the habit it is second nature. Sending warmer weather your way! :)

  2. When we lived in a home, there were various ways of recycling depending on the state. In NJ, recyclables were separated and picked up. Later in VA, we brought them to a transfer station. Here in the mill apt, we take them to a room within the building that has recycling containers. Everything can be put together in what’s called single stream recycling.
