Sunday, January 7, 2018


The sun shines through the fence slats creating a nice set of lines on the snow. The heat today will cause us to lose some snow. The amount depends on how long it stays above freezing.

The birds at the feeder tray above on the deck is causing some seed to drop through the cracks and land below. Bird tracks shows that some birds are exploring for food. I can see in this shot that I have a rose bush to get trimmed back before spring.

The view from the sliding glass door downstairs shows the birdbath waiting for spring. The first water in it will be melted snow. I can see here that the red twigs are now turning redder and I will need to get out there to get a photo.

Meanwhile, inside, it is spring in the flower vase. A hydrangea that probably was grown in South America brightens the inside of the house. I have no really plans for gardening yet but I do know that I have bulbs planter, who knows where, out there in the gardens waiting to surprise me. It will be our second spring at the new place.

One visual to share of the ongoing project. I can’t burn wood in my fireplace so I had to stick with it.  I do have a major problem with one board that is at the base of the bottom shelf. I am going to fix it even if it includes a circular power saw and major cutting. Tomorrow I have a dentist grinding down things in my mouth so who knows when that will happen.

We have projected promises of being 35 degrees F. today.  Water should be flowing off the roof and down the street gutters. When there is this snow on the ground,  it may be not such a dramatic change to the landscape. Whatever happens, above freezing temperatures will be welcomed. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I guess you should replace that twisted board...what a project! It is going to look great when you are done. Good Luck at the dentist! :)
