Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Things for Today.......

The old poinsettia is starting to look a little weathered. I have had it since Thanksgiving. It seems to be healthy as a plant but the reds are starting to go away.

A project for me is to restore this view.  It is an old one from the house that my dad had torn down back in 1980’s.  I don’t have cards to view but I bet I can find some at our neighboring antique store. I don’t know if the lens will clean up so it can be used.

I refused to let the school send it to the landfill and now many years later I refused to send it again.  I think I could get a good outdoor Christmas display made out of it with a snow slide. Next winter is a long way to go so maybe I can get it painted up into a toy dumb.  I did make a move to take it to the neighbor for their daughter to have but I did not get that done.  It made it into the back of the truck and came south. The drum is probably 40 years old or more.

My shop workbench has a long set of lights to help with work.  It also as become my greenhouse area. I make sure the lights stay on for a longer period of time than when I am down there. I shut them off at night. My one saved hardy geranium began blooming to my surprise as I wasn’t keeping an eye on them.  I can now see another set of buds on the plant in the photo.

I swore I would never start tomato plants again but just buy the plants.  Now I can see that I could start them with ease. I know of some people who leave the lights on 24 hours a day to get large tomato starts.

I have survived my dentist visit and I will not go into detail about that anymore. I always say to myself when I am in the chair, “why did I volunteer to do this?”  My eating is possible for the next two weeks until the really replacement is installed.  I will have a slow easy day today not doing any major projects.

We have more grass in the yard showing now that we have snow.  I guess it will snow on Thursday but for now I can walk Barney in open grass areas.  I hope everyone has survived their snow storms and some normal weather does get reinstated to your lives. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. What lovely old pieces of the past, I wouldn't be able to discard them either.
    The Geranium is hanging in there, still color in the poinsettia, it's a shame to know it is fading.
    Hope the teeth problem is behind you now, it's not much fun those dentist visits.

  2. Those old viewers are way cool, I used to tell the kids at the museum that they were just like a TV in the olden days. That is one cool drum...I thought immediately a small table in your art room for your grands...maybe with a plexiglass top? Or better yet a top with leggs for building:) Enjoy that warm weather, I did ...cleaned up some doogy dew in the yard and helped feed birds and worked on a snow packed part of the walk...but...there is always a but. Storm coming in tomorrow afternoon, we have a Dr appt in Fargo and hope to leave there by noon to get home before it storms...and then it will get really cold AGAIN. Stay warm!
