Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday’s Eclectic Theme.....

My trusty miter saw gets me through a lot of fun projects. I can square up a lot of boards that were rough cut win my circular saw. The rug is on the floor in front to my work bench because it doesn’t go with the new chairs in the art gallery area.  It was not an expensive rug but looks out of place on the concrete floor in the shop. I do have a good vacuum to keep it clean and I won’t be sawing anymore down there during the winter. I can take it to the outside patio so the sawdust won’t be getting sucked into the heating system.

It takes trial and error to get the shelves right. I know the shelf is deep enough if the actual train engine can sit on it. The shelves are all now attached to the frame or support beams. More work will  be happening today if my dental visit doesn’t lay me up for the rest of the day.

There were carpet layers putting down carpet in the next room while I was being in the dental chair.  Five tries to get a good impression of a certain part of my right bottom jaw line for the making of a perfect fitted bridge. My dentist is a nice guy and he was getting frustrated. He proceeded to put girders and braces in my mouth so he could get the plastic mold material back into the jaw area. When they numb things it feels like they have put the kitchen sink in you mouth and I think they believe I can’t feel it. I can feel things banging against my teeth and the water pick still hurts when it is being prodded up into he gum to help rinse and suction the area.

I was running out of small ornaments so I had to get some more.  My wife was surprised that I only bought one when there were five boxes of them on the shelf.  I saw some small ones similar to these but the country  that had made them stuck nutcracker teeth on each of them, even though the character was a snowman or a santa.  They were humuours and I did laugh. Then I walked away putting them back on the shelf. Discussion has come up about the taking down of the trees. We have a goal to do one at a time until they are all down.

The birds love their new large cage.  They have better behaviors as they can jump around and fly inside the cage. The get wheeled into the window area when it is warmer and move away from it at night. They like it when I have projects going as they like having company downstairs.

We are melting today with a little trickle of water running down the curb and the snow is soft enough to make snowmen.  Barney ate a lot of snow while outside because he could take him time to do so without the worry of his feet freezing. Thanks for stopping by on this Monday.  Everyone take care and have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. You have a fancy rug in your work area. I hope your project gets all straightened out. Good to see your birds:) Who can resist small ornaments!
