Friday, February 2, 2018

End of the Week......

In the 1930s, people could buy glassware, sold in boxes. The glass  here is the one I now use in the downstairs bathroom. I only have the one and it just as well as be used. When the grandkids came for a visit the plastic cups were put out. The old glass was set aside.  Now when you see this it is a contrast of the old and the new.  I didn’t want to buy a dispenser and put it on the wall so the glass bowl sufficed.

More shelves to share of the toy cupboard from yesterday’s blog. The first car is a rubber-like one,  The middle one I believe is plastic and the one on the right is metal.

One broken train car lays inside because it does not have its wheels. More building blocks and a car plate made in the year that I was born.

More junk in the left side of the drawer. The spindles were sold for a while that came from spinning factories. Those factories are obsolete in most of the south now. I see a plastic horse buried in the bottom and a few matchbox cars.

I am sure most of my blogger friends have see this kind of cartons.  This one is full of WW 2 toy soldiers. The cartons original purpose was for ice creme. It is a cardboard with a coating on it that made it somewhat waterproof.

I am weary today as the dreaded colds of winter seems to be coming my way.  I am trying to stay ahead of it and am behaving myself as best that I can. I received a second request to serve in my former county as a juror.  They think I still live in my old place and I do not. I filled out the form and made some explanations that I don’t live in your county anymore. I will just wait and see their response. I don’t think I could sit ion that county jury to represent the people if I am now not a part of the people.

We have a light snow now and I am not sure if it will accumulate.  It is cold enough for snow to lay on the ground but it will have to snow harder to get real snow.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I remember glasses like yours. My late dad always hated to put nails/screws in the wall and I guess I take after him - I think the paper cups in the bowl is a great idea.
    I did not realize you were born the same year as Karen. I had some toy cars similar to these.
    I am sorry you are beginning to feel bad with a cold. The frigid weather does not help.
    I was scheduled to have a repair on my car today but the part did not show up. At least I can still drive the car and the appt. is rescheduled next week. My car is a 2008 and I have just turned over 80,000 miles! lol Gives you an idea of what home bodies we are. We have just 6 weeks on a very strict diet to hopefully keep John off of insulin. I am reading everything I can find to help with types of food, portions, etc. We are hoping to get his A1c # down to under 7. (currently at 8.3)
    Take care and you two and Barney have a good evening.

  2. You must have a great collection of old toys!
