Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturday’s World.......At Home.


Grocery stores have everything for sale anymore.  Their entire garden center can give you all that you want while visiting the store for groceries. I had a difficult time taking shots of these because the outdoor light was just too dull. I had to take another set of shots to get them to be in focus an hour later.

It still is not a bright day but I took a lot of out of focus shots before I finally captured this one.

It isn’t a great capture but the moon was poking through the clouds off an on last night.

I sometimes get the garden thing in my blood and I have to repot things and fix up plants.  When we moved my wife’s friend back into her apartment she had a plant that didn’t do well without water. She told me to throw it away but I don’t do that. So on Tuesday I replanted things, cut back the plant of her’s that had many dead stems and refreshed the soil in the pot.  I also stuck a  sansevieria plant and a start of the peperomia plant. I will give it back to her when her original plant starts to look better.

While moving the friend from the nursing home, rehab center, back to her apartment, we were around people with colds. Yep, my wife showed symptoms of it on Wednesday and I followed a couple of days later. We are better in some ways but it will take a while to get over this. We don’t think that it is the flu but just the horrible cold that seems to be going around.

I wish you all to have a good weekend. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Oh no, not the lousy cold I have, they say it lasts a month I am on week three. Take care of each other. Mine started with a sore throat and then went to a cough and runny stuffy nose. No body aches or temperature with mine. Drink fluids and rest! :)

  2. Beautiful flowers! And a great shot of the moon, Larry!
