Monday, February 19, 2018

Stunning Sunset Sunday......

Weather patterns changing last evening helped to give us clouds with color and pattern.  Suburban foreground is a given for us here but the sky was so filled with clouds to make a colorful sky overhead and not just at the horizon.

The Sunday morning sky showed that the weather was going to change.  The air currents above were  mixing with warmer temperatures below.

With the weather warming and snow melting, I am sure that these two may be out searching for their own seed. It is raining this morning off and on helping to finish off snow piles.  My area under and around the truck now has no snow around it. We are expected to drop to freezing temperatures this evening. Our area had another car and truck pile up with one inch of snow on the high way.  That crashing of cars took place again because everyone is driving 10 miles an hour over the speed limit.  There were 70 cars involved in the last one, two days ago.  The weather people are trying to let people know that Tuesday morning we will have ice coated highways.  I am not sure that will help.

Final photo for today shows the street in front of our house. Most of that snow is gone now but there are some piles left that were too deep to be effected by warmth. I wish everyone to have a good day today. Thanks for stopping in at my post.


  1. Those were some beautifully colorful sky images, Larry. Yes, people do go so much faster than they should on snow-covered roadways. we also had snow over the weekend, but most of it will be disappearing this week as the temps get near 60 degrees!
