Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunday’s Sharing Time......

Sunday morning sights included clouds that were being blown in with all that wind. The wind is warm enough to melt things but it looks more like it is evaporating snow.

The last of our bigger snow is still on the deck but I bet it will all be gone by the end of the day. It is evaporating as the water isn’t dripping out below.  We don’t have water running down the streets either. I should have shoveled this off but then I could not have taken this photo to share.

A flock of house finches have been at the feeders off and on today. They are all paired up and still stayed in a flock. There are younger pairs in the bunch.  The males are just smaller. They must have been from last years batches of birds. The young males are slimmer that the older males.

I have seen one junco and then a few sparrows do stop by but house finches are the larger crowd out there. The wind has picked up and the feeders are swinging wilding. It doesn’t seem to stop them from feeding.

The eyes were looking out at me while I was in the basement this morning. I had to take a shot of all these ceramic planters.

I described this planter in the past and someone wanted to see what I was sharing. It is so long and lean that I forgot that it dos have a hole in its back for planting vines or small plants.

I only have one of them planted. I have share this one through all the years that I have been blogging. I bought it a new vine last fall and it seems to be growing well.  I like the dead leaf in the photo showing I must have bumped it someway to break the leaf.

We are home resting today one more weekend. Our Sunday school classes were cancelled because our head pastor had the flu.  His whole family is sick. We are able to see our church service on the computer live so we did go to church.  We stayed home and had leftovers and are taking it easy one more day. We are so much better but hints of the virus just keeps hanging around.

Thank you all for checking in on the post today.  I  wish everyone good health.


  1. We are having low attendants at church on Wednesday
    Bible Classes. Mostly older people attend. Every one is afraid
    of the children. This flu is sure bad this year.

  2. Just as well that you stayed home, the flu is vicious and going around. Hope you keep improving! That is one way cool panther planter:)
