Thursday, March 22, 2018

A Thrusday’s Set of Things.....

The morning view does not encourage me as to the weather for the day. I heard heavy rain in the night.  I saw flurries for a short period of time and not long ago we had a sprinkle. It was promised to us that we would not like the morning weather.

Yesterday we did get to see blue skies with fluffy clouds.  The pussy willow tree shows up nicely against the sky. The birds like this tree as a place to land before they decide where else they should go.  I saw a male cardinal chasing two female cardinals in the tree and the house finches like to stop on it before they dive bomb for my feeders.
A newly transplanted peony is sprouting up for me. I don’t know the color of it but it will be welcomed no matter. I shared rose sprouts on my Photo a Day blog this morning. The soil really needs to warm up some more before things really can get going. I need to till some soil up for tomatoes but it just is too early for all of that.

Robins are everywhere. I do see some robins have picked their mates but this guy just sits.  I see him in the back yard.  I see him in the front yard.  Yesterday he was sitting in the neighbor’s tree. I hope soon that someone shows up for him and he will be so busy I won’t know which one he is.

The goldfinch and house finches are sharing the seed.  They don’t seem to be threatened by each other.  I did have four birds eating on the sock at one time but the photo didn’t get taken.  We can watch this all at our dining room table while we are having breakfast.  We still have a few juncos around but I bet the most of them are headed north to snow country. A downey woodpecker showed up this morning durning the rain. He checked out the thistle seed and then moved on.  I moved the suet feeder down below and put it in the maple tree.  I have yet to see any woodpecker or bluejay eat at it.  I haven’t see any bluejay at all.

Barney keeps getting a little bit better each day.  His legs are so strong at the morning after a long nights sleep but by the end of the day he is slowed down.

I wish you all to have a good Thursday.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Thanks for the Barney report, old dogs are like people at the end of a day we are all tired. I hope someone comes soon for mr lonely robin, I bet something happened to his mate...I hate when that happens. I sures miss our old pair of robins that nested on those shelves we put up on the side of the felt good to give them a place to raise their young besides on the top of the step ladder! No snow today but maybe this weekend. Winter wants to stay here in Minnesota. No sun here gloomy:(

  2. It has been a long time since I have been p a blog making my rounds today. We have a too much rain have not been able to even walk through my yard. It is nice to watch the birds in early spring.

  3. Thankful that Barney is improving. We have had a strange mixture of weather the last three days. John has hopes of planting green (bell) peppers in late April. I can't wait to see your peony blooms. Hope you guys have a pleasant night.
