Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday’s Shots......

They are a passive bird that does sit and meditate for a long time. They had left my deck and landed on the fence as shown.  They did not leave for fifteen minutes or more as they just perched on the fence

Sitting in the grass and waiting and watching  Eventually he picks up some fallen seed from the feeders above on the deck.

He is still available.  Once he does get a mate, he then will be busy building a nest and then running for food for the babies. He should just keep resting because he is going to be tired.

The chives have survived.  I had rescued it from the garden where the former owners had dumped it upside down in the garden soil last winter. I righted it in the spring and planted it back right with the world. It did do well and I think I  split it into,  planting it in another location.

I took a shot of the first woodpecker at my feeders. He hasn’t hit the suet feeder but he did seem fascinated with the thistle seed. It is a blurry shot but it does show that it is a downey.  It could be a hairy downey but I don’t have any other bird to make size comparison.

I moved the suet feeder down to the maple tree.  I think eventually the woodpeckers or bluejays will hit it.  I don’t live in such a dense timber like I did at the old place.  I may not see many or maybe it is just taking time for them to find it.  The leaning photo shows the geese are grazing around in the yard.  I like how the leaning photo is the best I could so yesterday afternoon.

It is a gloomy Friday and I doubt we get out again today. I did sneak out yesterday for a grocery run.  I only bought a half of a load as it came to only fifty dollars. Normally it is always a hundred dollar run when we both go to the store.

Take care everyone and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Spring getting close, where you live!

  2. I used to watch mourning doves when we lived in VA, but haven't seen any around the apartment grounds. However, there are plenty of Canada Geese. No robin sightings here just yet, but then I haven't been out walking much because of the snow and cold. Hopefully, spring will come by next week.

  3. I think Downeys have smaller beaks than Hairys:) They are hard to tell apart. No mate for your poor old lonely robin robins here at all...going to snow...1-4 inches tonight...maybe more who really knows:)

  4. One home we lived in had so many mourning doves. I really enjoyed watching and listening to them. Cloudy here this weekend, so we will stay in.
