Monday, March 26, 2018

Birthday Blues......Not!

It is funny how this is the same moon now as we had back in 1950.  Some things do not change.  I was born in a hospital in Clarke County, Iowa.  That building was torn down years ago. My parents lived on a rented farm in a house that was down a dirt lane off a gravel road.  Little did I know that I would travel by bus later to that same house too deliver kids from school all my school years. We moved away from the rental in 1953.  The land sat about two miles from a then small town of Hopeville.  All that is left there now is a church and a rambling school house that has fallen to the ground. The cemetery is a large one of all the residents buried there of the town.  The extended families also chose to be buried there on that rolling hilly land with wild cedar trees. People are still being buried today. A lot of the people in the area where we lived had family ties back to that town of Hopeville.

I snapped shots of these kinds of clouds last night when the moon was out and about. The jets of Omaha were doing their thing in the sky with about four of them laying skylines everywhere. They tended to cross each other making various X shapes in the sky.

Our local air force base had all of the jets eliminated by the previous administration. The turned it into a droid base, testing and developing them. Training for them was also a positive before the soldiers would be shipped overseas.  Recently the helicopters were brought back and we see many of the flying in formation as they are overhead night or day. It is strange at first to see four helicopters flying in a block formation.

The yellowish spot is probably a daffodil bud.  I did plant some but was not sure where they were. My birthday’s of the past would land on a snowstorm days or a rainy days.  I guess I do remember some birthdays with sunshine days. My first cousin Carolyn was born the day before me, so the families on my mom’s side would use that as an excuse to have family dinner on the Sunday near to the days.  My mom would make a cake with candy Easter eggs on them and my cousin’s mom  Lois, would always make a cake with that cooked sticky frosting.  Lois is the only living relative left of that whole family on my mom’s side. She was a sister-in-law stop my mom.

My wife bought me a paint set that had this easel in the kit. I can set it up and paint while sitting down at a drawing table. The birthday card is a cut out shape of a train with a white backing. The surprise is what is inside the card when it is opened.

As it is being opened this is what you see.

I have watched a show that shared how one of the companies made this specialized pop-up cards.  I have seen them in bookstores. I am assuming other card companies are trying to make them as this one is really fancy.  Its detail is so great and it is amazing that it can again be folded closed.

Some years, the birthday is just another day but as I keep getting to the older years I do have to stop and think about it.  I find it strange that the body is telling me that I am getting older when my brain really isn’t thinking so.  All that happens in life, just happens, and now I look back in amazement of from where I have come. God’s been with  me all along the way and he never said things would be perfect but it would be good.

 My graduation class is getting all excited about the 50th year reunion his summer.  I really don’t get so thrilled.  I don’t want to go back to those days.  Only a few of them  have remained good friends even though we don’t live close to each other. I really enjoy those as they have aged with me. Of course a couple of them I am related to as it was a small town and our class averaged 23 students most of them time.

It is a rainy day and we still have snow on the deck.  We are going to eat out tonight and not really party much.  I can smell the cake in the oven and the dog is sound asleep in the middle of the living room. I and the dog will get wet when we go out over the noon hour.

Thanks to you all for stopping by today.  I wish you well


  1. Happy Birthday. That train card is terrific. I hope you will enjoy your bdy dinner this evening. Funny how we all remember birthday cakes from our youth!

  2. Happy birthday. Have a great day.

  3. Happy Birthday my friend!1 That is one special card you got! I hope the cake was good and maybe you talked Della into a bit of ice cream too! :)
