Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Spring, Where Art Thou ?

Spring in a vase works good for me until the weather does actually warms up some. I live in a large city but I refuse to act like it. I bought a bundle of the flowers and the check out lady commented on the flowers. She and I preceded to have a great discussion about our spring bulbs and what was coming up right now.  She had bulbs on the east side of her house and the daffodils were almost in bloom. I had to by a large pizza because that is the only size that they had in supreme.  We discussed cutting it in half and freezing the one half.  Two people were never going to be able to eat that large of pizza. I figure that the checker really is kind of bored and needs to expand their thoughts beyond placing the next item on the scanner.

The colors are bolder in this batch but the same kind of grouping is done each time with two kinds of mums, a carnation, a batch of daisies and the sprig of lilies. The are in water when they are displayed  but do like being home in a vase where they bloom out more fully.

When I was walking outside with Barney this morning we had a flock of redwing black birds flying over.  They have a distinct sound and make it while they are flying. I could hear another flock in a set of trees making there specific bird call.  We use to have them migrate through at the old place filling up all the branches in the three old silver maples trees. I always think about them being along lake shores in cattails making their warning calls to try to protect their nest.

The junco was peaceably siting on the rail enjoying seeds while we ate breakfast this morning. The birds eat one last time in the evening before the sun sets.  They act like they are really hungry even though they could have been at the feeder any time of the day. I am going to have to refill my thistle seed sock soon and it is getting to be low.

I failed to get this shot posted a few days back.  The snow was being blown around with strong winds and I just happened to capture his messed up top feathers.

I will finish off today with the visual evidence of cake that my wife baked for me. Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting makes into a fine birthday cake.  I bought a vanilla flavor ice cream that was called “homemade vanilla” which really did match the flavor of ice cream that was cranked out by hand.
Thanks for checking in today.  I hope everyone is well and that spring is coming to your neighborhood soon.


  1. Red Velvet is one of my favs. Sounds/looks delicious with vanilla ice cream. That is a cute capture of the Cardinal! (he's probably wondering "does my hair look ok?" lol) Those spring bouquets add a lot of color at a time when it is still pretty dreary outdoors. Karen often talks of hearing the red wing black birds while out walking with her granddaughter.

  2. A lovely bouquet, a delicious looking bday cake, birds, and spring on the way for you.

    Happy Spring and Happy Easter ~ FlowerLady

  3. Your cake looks great!! I bet it was good too! I will have to look for homemade vanilla in the store:)
