Saturday, March 17, 2018

Dog moving problem solved......

Barney was not wanting to walk on his hind legs today.  It usually is his hip that hurts on the weight on his one leg which means he can’t walk or won’t walk.  He had come in from outside with me dragging and helping him outside while he plays limp noodle.  He had business to do and he did get that done. I brought him back in and he was in the walk area close to the basement stairs with a baby gate.  About a half hour later he was rolling around and put pressure on the baby gate and down he went with lots of noise. My wife says he actually slid down and as bulky as he is he probably did slide on the points of the steps.  The photo shows a dog not in pain, just taking a nap to wait on us to figure out how to get him out of the basement. I could not carry him back up the stairs.

We did figure it out after we let him rest up for a few hours. I drug him to the out of doors, via sliding glass door.  Once he realized I was not going to tolerate the lumpy walk business he did take some steps out in the snow and grass. By lifting him by his collar, dragging him forward, we then went up the hill. and we made it into the front yard. Durning the dragging he would use his back legs once in a while.  So anyway, he is back in the house laying in about the same location as to where he rolled himself down the hill this morning. We are relived we figured out how to get him back upstairs.  His parents are happy and he is laying on his side right now sound asleep. A new chest width halter is order now and I have a cargo strap on the gate so he won’t fall again.


  1. So sorry about Barney. Thankful you were able to figure out how to get him back upstairs. I've only had small dogs so I never thought about how difficult it would be to move a large dog. I sure hope Barney has a good night. Blessings to you and your wife.

  2. Poor Barney. Poor you. I understand. Having an old dog is hard. Until your harness comes you can use a bath towel...cut some slits near the top of the towel so you can assist him...we used that with Chance one time, it works well with two people one on each side. Chance has pain pills that he takes once in a while from the vet Meloxicam ..makes him rest comfortably. Hang in there:)

  3. Sorry to read about Barney's mobility issues, Larry. Our pets are so like humans and it is hard when they slow down and require our assistance after being independent for so long. Hope Barney will be feeling a little better knowing how loved he is by you and your wife.
