Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday’s Shots of Red.......

Yesterday afternoon my wife saw him first. I grabbed the camera and there perched the male cardinal.  I grabbed the camera and I owned his visuals.

This morning he showed up on the deck and did eat some seed off of the deck floor.  He really did give me an opportunity to take more photos that I really needed to have. Each year my feeble mind jerks me around and I think that all the back color makes it be to a female. Each year I have to look it up and tell myself that females don’t have a spot of red on them.

Barney is better today.  He did get some rest through the night and it did strengthen his hind legs. He whined for attention during the night but he did finally settle until daylight. He wasn’t so sure when I took him outside this morning but I did get him down the one stair step and the ramp.  Once outside he had to gain his confidence but he did eventually walk on three of his legs.  I stayed close and he did get some of his business done. He did get help to get back in and jumped up the front door step successfully.  He does seem a whole lot better and we are hoping he just lays around and sleeps all day. He won’t be taking a tumble down the stairs today so he should have a better day.

Yesterday I shared the photo of all the robins that were migrating.  It didn’t happen that my robin found a mate as here he is late afternoon still waiting in the staging tree. Sooner or later there will be a mate for him. I am guessing that batch of robins are headed farther north maybe all the way to Minnesota.

We are going to do our Sunday School job and then we will head back home. We don’t want to leave the dog for such a long time. Our weather will be snow free today and we are going to warm a little bit before another day of rain. It seems to be having a hard time turning to be complete spring but we are just in the middle of March. I will wait and see after a couple of weeks go by and I will quit whining. Everyone have a good day and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good to hear that Barney is stronger today! He lays just like Chance does...the hips and hind quarters must be bad. Your Cardinal photos are just wonderful! Spring will come ...someday:)

  2. Happy to hear that Barney is some improved. I hope he will rest well during the day and feel even better tomorrow. Thanks for the pretty bird pictures. I can hear the birds here but the only one I often see is a pileated woodpecker.

  3. The cardinal photos brought back memories of when I used to take photos of them in our Virginia yard. It's the state bird there and the male is totally red, but the female has grey feathers. Glad to read barney had a better day.
