Friday, March 16, 2018

Friday is a final Finish........

It really is a pathetic sunrise.  What is happening is the storm from South Dakota is creeping into our area.  It is now dull and gray outside as the weather keeps moving a front of new and not so great weather.  The weather forecasters really didn’t get this correct though as we were suppose to start a snow storm at midnight last night. We have no snow but a very strong, cold wind.

I am blogging later than usual today as I have returned to my office chair with refreshment.  I grabbed an old Christmas mug because it was just the right size for Snapple. The normal coffee mug sat there a few hours before this.  I am sitting here editing photos of some of my old artwork that was stored in a couple of portfolios.  When we moved in the bulk found places to be but I was looking for certain paintings to photo graph.

This is another shot that I took while touring the outside of the house yesterday.  As I was editing this I noticed that the tree or giant shrub behind the blue spruce has pussy willows buds on them.  I was going to share that the birds are really eating at the pine cones now.  I see four or five at a time flying in there at once and disappearing among the branches.

This is the first time that I did notice there are some open areas for the birds to land an build nest.  I think the finches netted in there last summer.  The blue jays at our old house loved to hit the pine cones but I don’t see any blue jays to help get rid of them.

My blogger friends identify the plant growing here among the peonies as primrose. The red leaves are all new growth this early before spring time. The leaves are a deep red but they do become green stems and leaves eventually.

There is no robin report for today as all three robins are now not in my yard, front or back.

Today’s tulip report shows that they have really grown since the last photo. Since I go out there 4 or 5 times a day with Barney it is hard to see the growth change but when I compared the past photo they are twice the size.

We are now back to a normal dull winter day.  We planned not to leave the house today as we knew it wouldn’t be nice out there. Our 35 degree F. will warm up only a few degrees today.  The wind is very strong making the time outside miserable.

I hope everyone is well out there. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. We have had those strong, cold winds for several days. Today, it warmed up to 65 but is getting cloudy with rain to be here Sat. Like you, we are staying in. Holidays and weekends we almost always stay out of traffic, anyway! lol
