Thursday, March 15, 2018

Taking a Tour Outside......

After we bought the place in March last year and after all the snow melted, I found these rocks.  I could tail that the former owners had some water feature that was filled with rocks. Before the move, Arlyn must have taken the rocks outside and dumped them in the rock bed of the house.  My grandson visited in November liked them and tossed them all over the area in the flower bed.  I have reclaimed them from the scattering and they still look like this as a group.

I pulled my first weed today as this watercress was coming up among the rocks. It was green and ready to root down for the summer.

I did plant hosta plants among the rock garden and am anxious to see if they survived the winter months.

My newly discovered wood pile hiding behind the red twig dogwood bushes, has fungus growth on it already this year. I do think I will work at getting rid of the pile as the days warm up for us.

Along the hill and the house is a terraced place, done by the previous owners.  It is planted with asparagus.  I like asparagus but I think flowers in the same are should be added.  The soil there is made up of a lot of clay soil.  The posts were there to hold a wire to hold back all of the foliage that comes from asparagus later on in the season. I could see making a stairs on this side of the house as it is a tough incline for me.  Barney won’t even attempt it anymore.

I am not certain but I think every one of the iris rhizomes that I moved from the old place has survived the winter weather.  I hope I do get them all to bloom this year to see what kinds, colors that I might have.

Things that I did see this morning were good things, but I don’t have photographic proof.  There were three robins in the from yard and one of the three was a female. I didn’t stick around to see who won out on the match making battle. This guy seems to look like he might have been the one left behind and maybe if he sits long enough in the backyard another female will show.

Second thing I saw to day with no camera around was a gold finch at my sock feeder.  It was just partially yellow as it hasn’t turned to its summer colors. There was just one and he did not stay for long. I know that he will be back.

The third thing that I saw was this very large black bird.  I don’t know if they are called crows.  He came to the bird waterer and was gone before I could get my camera.  He appears to be so large that I first thought it was a hawk.

Our spring break, that we do not qualify for, involved eating out at Panera Bread today and then going shopping. We had not any real need for anything but we were being spontaneous.  I ended up buying some T-shirts for the summer; am throwing away two old ones,. I also found a book and movie.  My wife needed printing photo paper at Staples.  We stopped in to Target to get some groceries just in case the winter storm for tomorrow is real. She found a new shirt to wear that was of an orange plaid. We fed Barney some lunch when we got home and we are calling it a day.

I wish you all to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It seems all children love rocks. Our neighbor girl is always picking up "pretty rocks" to save. So happy that you two enjoyed some time away. Glad you both found a little something - that always brightens your day. I do hope your weather won't be bad. We have sun today and the wind is not as strong. I look forward to seeing your irises. That photo of the robin is so crystal clear.

  2. Hope the storm misses you:) I like Asparagus too and it looks like you will have a bunch to freeze if they planted plants all along the house. That looks like a exercise hill:)
