Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday’s Final Weekly Report........

They are a pleasant surprise for me. I didn’t plant them but I do get to enjoy them. I went out this morning to get newer shots and they are not opened yet. I am struggling to get a good shot of some white crocus but the camera just doesn’t like white objects.  I will try when the light has changes and to when they have become open today.

A single bloom of one that is planted away from the bunch. I have never had multiple colors on crocus before but they really are striking. The tulips are still coming up but we will have to be a lot warmer than this before they will start to bud.

The poinsettia was a gift back in November and it is still hanging on.  The green leaves really are looking better now that the reddish ones. Lots of times I loose these plants in the coldest of winters as the soil dries out on them suddenly and everything shrivels up.  There is no bringing them back.  If I keep it going,  I could get it into a planter for outside putting it in the shade of the deck. I set it in the big window for now so the plant is going to be really happy with all the strong light.

I had a very disappointing experience while I was taking this shot.  I didn’t have my camera out and a red tail hawk or one of a similar kind was flying directly overhead.  It was circling and apparently looking for something to eat.  The sun was shining and the feathers were showing through the light of the sun  .  What a great picture that would have been but...I didn’t get the  camera whipped out soon enough.  He kept circling and went southeast of me down the fence row. So I took this photo of the pussy willows and blue spruce instead. It just isn’t so exciting for sure.

One of the things that I like about living here is the traffic of birds going overhead. It is not unusual to see seagulls flying high in the sky or other larger birds.  The Canada Geese have settled down now but it isn’t unusual for a couple or three to fly over honking along the way. The migrating smaller birds have been going over the past few days.  We are just close enough to timber lands surrounding our building development and close to the Des Moines River that also is connected to Lake Saylorville.  I have only seen one chickadee so far and I may not see any more.  They do like dense timber areas and the houses cause there to be too many open areas.

The investment people in our lives gave us this birdhouse last fall. I think it is intended to be a wren house. I placed it out with the suet feeder to see if I could draw in some small bird.  The suet feeder has not drawn in any woodpeckers. We have a sunny day today with a possibility of it warming up.  It is suppose to rain tomorrow on all the Easter egg hunts. I hope they get some break in the weather for that.

Thank you for checking in today.


  1. We do not have crocus or tulip here but we saw many in Atlanta yesterday. Too bad you missed the hawk photo op. It is partly cloudy and cool here today. The Cabbage Patch Doll "hospital" is having a 40,000 egg hunt tomorrow in recognition of their 40th anniv.

  2. The crocus is one of my favorites. As a little boy on the prairie there were all kinds of crocuses.

  3. Your Crocus are so pretty! I would say your Poinsettia is doing great! :)
