Saturday, March 31, 2018

Saturday's Blowing in the Wind......

Saturday morning looks good but the wind is strong. It will be blowing colder temperatures for the afternoon. The Easter Egg hunts didn’t get rained out but the winter coats were needed to make things be better for the kids. Our church prepared 15,000 eggs to hand out today.

Last evening we had similar cloud formations.  This is the sun starting to set in the east. I have to stand on my front door step and look to my right to be able to take this shot.

The green cast on the grass does make this look like spring.  I don’t have a lot of things up yet but I have found two of my transplanted peonies do have sprouts on them. Two out of four is good. I am trusting the other two will catch up too. Some of my iris that I moved are doing well along the fence.  I hope that some of these new things will give me blooms.  I was thinking that maybe I need to map this garden out on paper and then I thought, no. The red twigs are covered with leaves and I will wait for it to warm to see if I will rake them out or just leave them for mulch.

While filling the feeders on Saturday I had a cup or more of seed left over in the container.  I just dumped it on the table. Later the house finch made me smile as it stood in the middle of it and helped himself.

Some juncos do stay around durning the summer even though the bulk of them head north, some all the way up into the arctic areas. They are fun to watch as they have no hesitation in finding the food and eating it. They are bigger than finches so they do dominate the feeder unless a morning dove comes along.

We had a good morning at the bookstore today.  We have missed off and on with our battle with upper respiratory conditions.  We both are so much over it with just a slight chance of it coming back in the evening or when we get tired.   The bookstore was not crowded today until the noon time an then people were flooding inside. I hope all of you are well today and I do hope you have a great Easter Day.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such fun to watch the birds and to find that plants are popping thru the soil. Thankful that you both are feeling better and that you enjoyed a visit to the bookstore. We do not have a bookstore locally, but I do enjoy the library about every 2 weeks. Blessings to you this Easter weekend.

  2. You got to get out to the bookstore, good for you! I am anxious for the weather to get better and garage sales to start as that is a great activity for us:) Happy Easter!
