Saturday, March 24, 2018

Snow Day.......

The flock of geese have snow on their backs again this morning. Areas north of us are to get eleven inches of snow.  We will only get a couple of inches.

The female house finch is not going to be bothered with the ice as long as there is some open loose seed to eat. She and her mate are the only two to visit the feeders so far this morning. The winds in the night had messed with this feeder and the sock feeder, making everything twisted and out of position. I think it broke this feeder but I won’t try to fix it until the seed has been eaten out of it.

The male seems to be able to drive its beak into the webbing covered with ice to get seed. This kind of weather really will keep them from thinking about nest building.

Yes, he is still around.  I think the cardinal is waiting for a mate too.  I did see him chasing two females three days ago but I have not seen a pair since that. My males must all be sub par.

I have revived this plant.  My wife’s friend was out of  her apartment for a long time.  When we checked in on it I watered it.  When we moved her back in to her apartment she told me to throw it away. I guess now that it has two blooms I can give it back to here.  I think this is a form of calla lily because of the two blooms that it has on it.

We will be held inside today because of the weather.  It will be interesting to see if it does warm up in late afternoon. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Those poor lonely birds! The plant you saved is very nice. I do hope your weather improves throughout the weekend.

  2. No snow here, it missed us, maybe tomorrow. That plant looks like a Peace Lily:)
