Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Moon’s Shots in the Day..........

The evening moon seems to be visible with our cloudless sky. We have had clouds for so long that I wondered where it was.  I discovered a few days a go that it was a day moon.

Yesterday’s sunset shows how we have clouds and here there is some clearing taking place. I think this is my favorite tree in the neighborhood and the other is the one I see when I take the sunrise shots.

As the sun rises, the female house finch gives me a glaring glance. She may be reminding me to get this sock filled up with seed soon.  I will shock her by putting up a second one to increase my bird traffic.

I just now remembered that I haven’t posted my newest female bird on my post.  I should have started with it but the moon did kind of make a good draw in for the post.

I had watched a  couple of female cardinals chasing back and forth with a male but the one of them came to the feeders yesterday. I had taken the photos, downloaded them, but then did not get them to my photo file. I did get that error corrected. I was disappointed that I had taken many shots of the bird but only two of them were successful.  A couple that I took through the screen door were very worthless. I have been taken photos lately with the subject’s head being cut off in the visual.

My last fall harvest of sunflowers are now being place out for the birds and two squirrels. It took them a while to find the seed head.  I keep thinking that I would see the male cardinal out there but he seems to stay away from the deck floor. I will have some shells to clean up in the future as the plow through the seed heads.

The good thing for the cardinal is that he did have a choice in finding a mate.  I don’t know how soon they start to nest.  I will keep my eye on the area to see if I can see any nest building going on in the blue spruce.  I do know that the goldfinches did have to successful nests of young birds last summer. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the doves nesting somewhere near here.
This is a happy face of a dog that has control of the whole world. He is doing so much better.  I saw him last night get up off of a rug and walk to the other side of the kitchen. That was a first for a long time.  He usually needs to have me pull forward on his collar to help life his back end.  I have to have a leash on him to keep him out of trouble again as he hurries to the fire hydrant. He keeps changing as he grows older.  He has decided that he doesn’t need to eat dog food in the morning. He isn’t hungry or eats a few treats after our breakfast and he seems to be good. He then eats a big supper without hesitation.

I did have a great meal at The Olive Garden for my birthday and the birthday cake is going to last for quite a few days.  I am adjusting to my new age number of”68" and my older brothers keep telling me I am so young.  My oldest brother is 9 years older than me and the second oldest is 7 years older.  When we all get more balding and gray it really doesn’t seem to be much of a benefit to be younger. The other brother that was three years old passed away at the age of 61 years so I guess my older brothers think there is a big gap between us age wise.

We are going to be 61 degrees F. today. That is so wonderful.  I bet I will be able to watch the bulb plants shoot up and out.  Thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. Good to hear that Barney is doing a bit better! Birthday Cake sounds great...glad you had some for a few days:)

  2. Happy that Barney is feeling better, he's a beautiful boy !
    Love the tree it sits against the blue sky and exudes promise.
    Love seeing those birds returning, and day !

  3. So happy to see Barney feeling good. Glad he is improving. I enjoyed the bird pics very much. That bdy cake would be gone if I lived there! lol It looked delicious. Glad you enjoyed your bdy dinner, too. Please remember John in your prayers as I drive him to his Atlanta dr. tomorrow. Thank you.
