Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Middle of the week’s worth.........

Blowing in the wind as they are scattered from each other due to the changing temperatures. The sky is unusual but has changed back to overcast now.

As is evidenced in this photo the sun did come forth for a short period of time before it went under for the day. It is not extremely warm but it is better.  Better is the best word I can give the weather for today. Each day we are to get much warmer and somehow snow will hit us on Sunday.

Two males watching and waiting in the same tree. I don’t think we will see the females until the leaves start to come out on the tree.

I continue to not get focuses shots of the yellow daffodil.  I don’t know what this is all about but will continue to try getting a focused one. It is late afternoon for me now and I have not much to say today.  I wish everyone a good day and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Great picture of the robins. Yesterday was very sunny but clouds are moving in here too. I did walk around the yard and noticed a few buds on the hydrangea, lilac, and weigela.

  2. Sounds like we may get some snow Friday and Saturday, maybe it will go south of me. I can hope. At least you have flowers!! :)
