Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Falling from the sky (deck).........

The bird in the feeder just heard the news that the feeder he is siting in is going to be demolished within the time period after he leaves. I didn’t see it but a squirrel knocked this feeder to the ground before I could return and hang it up on its hook.

There was a large amount of new special birdseed as the junco is staring at and now the most of it is on the ground. as the feeder fell a story below.

The base of it is now a part of my new combo waterer and feeder.  When the seed is gone I am going to throw everything away and not make another. I did see a cardinal drinking from the waterer but it wasn’t easy for him.

Moving on for today and split milk is just gone now.  The buses have come and picked up the one guy and the other picked up the sister and her dog.  School keeps going on for now but they really are only about eight weeks from being done for the year. We don’t always hear the buses go as they coast down the hill and then coast away before they accelerate so there isn’t much noise.  They don’t use the same buses during the week as some of the buses have squeaky brakes.

The weather is getting to be tiring as clouds are seeming to take over the world. We are suppose to warm up all week which will be welcomed but we will need to see sunshine for that. I was a little bit touchy today and wasn’t going to blog but here I am anyway, punching out words and posting the pictures. I am sure I will remold my mood soon.  I hope all are doing well out there.  I appreciate your stopping in today.


  1. I know how you feel about the feeders. Squirrels will take over and ruin
    things.We did solve our problem with a free standing feeder on a pole with a
    large bowel like guard under the feeder. We got it at Tractor Supply
    The squirrels would climb the pole but could not reach the edge of the bowel and would slide back down the pole. Some squirrels would try over and over. It was fun to watch them. You could not put it where they could jump on the feeder from a tree or fence.
    Can't let them ruin your joy of seeing the many different bird.

  2. Glad you posted, Larry. I'm sorry about the squirrel causing such a mess. After so much rain/cold, we do have sunshine today. Our ground is very sloppy. I hope your warm up comes soon. Blessings, Mildred

  3. Darn old squirrels anyways. Hope the birds like your new feeder combo:)
