Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday, April 2nd......

The Monday after Easter does look like this.  The sun keeps coming up into the horizon more to the left. The tree is now on the other side of the sun. The air stream from a jet really is reflecting light from the sun.

A photo from the office shows my dogs on the mug hanging around to keep me company. I made plans to go to the old place to see if everything is good.  I did find that I have dead sticks all over the yard up there and I did pick up the largest ones. Everything seemed good there but it was a cold morning and the house was cool inside.

As I returned to our new place, I stopped at the highway pond to see what was going on. This is the same pond that I had seen trumpeter swans.  I found these two white ones rushing to get away from me.  I don’t do well at identifying ducks. The almost looked like domesticated white ducks but this photo doesn’t help me to know an identity. The were bothered by me being on the lake edge so they swam to the other side and one got out of the water going into the brush.

I did see a pair of Canada geese that probably are going to nest on this lake.  There is a pair that successfully hatch a lot of babies each years and these may be the ones.

I know people from the northern stated can quickly identify these.  I don’t think the photo is clear enough for me to even look it up on the computer. Smaller ducks seem to migrate through here.  I do think that they scatter out in pairs to farm ponds in the area but they are not seen so much regularly. As a kid I would hear people say that they were mud ducks.  I think they really didn’t know their names.

I can’t get any new shots of the crocus as it has been too cold. They didn’t open all day yesterday and today they are just barely opened.  I have white crocus yet to photograph and some miniature daffodils. They are really small ones that I have never seen before. We have a cold south wind today which makes being outside difficult. Snow is predicted for Tuesday or Wednesday.  They are saying it will be measurable snow and maybe some ice too.

I leave you here on Monday wishing you to have a good day and maybe even a very good week. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Here we are to get cold high wind and rain a little north
    of us they are looking for rain sleet and on up some snow.
    Guess we could say you are more then a little north of us.

  2. Good Evening, The sky picture is beautiful. I am envious of all your fun coffee mugs! Fun to see the little bird feeding and the ducks, too. We have highs in the 70's today; the pollen is really bad right now. The home we shared with mother had mini daffodils that came up each year. I had an itty bitty vase that I would put a few in each spring. Thank you for your prayers; we are home from the MRI. I did treat John to a bdy supper before coming home. You two and Barney have a good night.

  3. Hi Larry it is snowing and cold here 22 degrees and damp:(
