Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Cloudy Day......

This is a very small version of daffodils. It is so low on the ground that it is difficult to photograph.  I was surprised that it was so short.  I was expecting the stem to shoot up six inches but that isn’t going to happen with this variety.  I placed a leaf under the one bloom so I could get a shot of the bloom.

I took a short walk around the place yesterday to see if anything had developed making it look more like spring.  The old fashion hydrangea that I moved to the new place still looks like this.  The good news is that all of the stems of this plant has buds on it. I think they are leaf buds, and not flowers, but that is a good thing. I rescued it to a new place. I brought peonies with me one time last fall and I do have two of them with buds of life on them.  I am keeping watch on two others. I do know that sometimes it takes a couple of years to get them to really develop into a good plant.

All of my iris that I moved are still very much alive.  You can see the growth on this one as it sprouts out to be taller.  I think I moved these in the middle of summer but knowing me I think I dug a couple of them every time I was a the  old place. I hope to see them bloom this year.
Chives is a tough plant.  This was left by the former owner, dumped upside down in the garden.  It gives us chives for baked potatoes all summer and will do so again this summer. I split it and planted it closer to the back downstairs patio and that is doing well also.

I have learned from someones nature blog that the cardinal mates for life.  I didn’t know that and maybe they were wrong.  I do know that if he has a mate, which I have seen the one female. she must be nesting as he is the only one showing up to the feeders or water. I think it be too early for the to be nesting but what do I know. If he is a youngster then he may not have a mate yet.  My robin still waits out front for his female to return. It has been weeks since he arrived.

It is a pretty dreary day again today. It isn’t going to get above freezing today and we do have something headed our way, coming from the south. The birds are busy feeding this morning jockeying for the best place on the feeder.  The house finches are bullies towards sparrows and goldfinches.  The squirrel made a visit to my one feeder and he knows that I haven’t filled it for awhile.  He left in disappointment.

I hope everyone has a good day today.   I know some of my friends are lavishing in green grass and others have two feet of snow.  The blogs help us to keep our own weather as an appreciated one or maybe a mild disappointment. I guess I don’t have to mow grass yet and that is really a good thing.  Thanks for drifting in today........


  1. Those short daffodils are pretty. So thankful your plants survived being transplanted. I know it was a lot of work to dig them and replant them but now you will be rewarded. I've never grown chives. I know they make a baked potato really tasty. Beautiful shot of the Cardinal. My blog friends have everything from snow to thunderstorms. It is warm again here but rain is moving in. I guess our weather is to be envied currently but about Jun/Jul, we will be burning up, so I guess it balances out in the different seasons. God bless your day.

  2. Our weather is moving up, Our warm air is going to collide with
    your cold and make a mess.
    We are in to high winds now.
    Glad to see your plants are showing spring weather.

  3. Your short Daffodil looks great to me...and a crocus real close to it too...must be cold the crocus is hiding:) No grass to mow here...really cold here:(

  4. Hope that the nasty weather doesn’t come your way, Larry. We had some of that on Monday morning when we were leaving RI to return to NH and it was in the form of wet snow.
