Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sliding in on Saturday.......

A different form of daffodil that I planted last fall. I don’t know it it is a different variety or if it is just deformed because of the strange weather.

My honeysuckle vine is looking healthy.  I really enjoyed the blooms on this shrub last summer.  It was a new one for me and I like it.  I don’t have the other honeysuckle type of shrub on the property.  I could get a start of it from the old place but maybe I don’t have that much room on this property.

They bleeding heart is an early bloomer and I noticed yesterday that there are small forms of the flowers already on the plant. I see I have grass in there where I don’t want it.

When digging down below this rock garden that was intended to keep all plant from growing, I did find clay-like dirt.  I didn’t have high expectations for them to survive but I really did wants some hosts spotted in the design of that garden area of roses and evergreens.  I have counted three of them that have rooted in and are growing.

Little water boy looks important among the tulips.  I think I can find a new bucket for him as his has rusted through now. I have a daylily growing in that area but I am thinking I will have to put something more to grow there for the rest of the summer season.

I have lots of chores to do around the house today on Saturday.  Our weather is going to be good but we are told that cooler weather is coming back. I have a stretcher frame to make for my wife’s friend so a hanging can be stretched on it.  I am thinking that I need to get the tiller out and start working on the tomato garden area and the zinnia flower garden area. I amy just do only one of those things.  Anyway, I wish everyone to have a good Saturday. Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. You have lots of things popping up!! Fun to see spring in Iowa! :)
