Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunny Days.......

The dove can be scared and leave very quickly but they do like to sit and appreciate their space.  I never saw it take a drink but I am sure that a drink was needed. He stayed there for a long time waiting, watching and maybe resting.

In the backyard the two bulbs are trying to put out some blooms.  It is a little more shady in the morning for them so they are slower to bloom. I like that every year that I have them, the stronger they will be as hardy bloomers.

My neighbor guy on the hill above me announced that he is mowing this week.  That means I will be mowing too so we all match in yard grass heights.  My front yard needs to be mowed but  the back yard is spotty in height. We are suppose to get at least two days of rain this week which really will help green up things.

An Easter lily that I planted last year at this time is coming up. How anything wants to grow in that hard clay-like soil is amazing to me.  I have four peonies that I also have shooting up in this kind of clay soil.  I won’t ever get use to this kind of soil as I spent 40 years with black Iowa soil at the old place.

I did spend my young years in southern Iowa where everything is clay.  My dad would go down by our creek and scoop up trailer loads of top soil along the side and would put it in an area for my mom to grow flowers. I will be glad to share the blooms from this lily in a few weeks.

These established peonies are looking good this year.  I think we were in a drought last year and they didn’t do so well when we moved in to the place. I know I can water them if they look like they need it. The buttercups are looking hearty that are planted around them.

Tulips never last as long as I would like them to but I am so glad they are doing well.  I have some old fashion tulips that are blooming later than these.  The were planted by a previous owner and I don’t know where to expect them until they pop up and open up.  You can see the mums coming up in the background.  I did see I have a hosta coming up in that area and I sure don’t remember planting that.

I hope it stays a low key day today with the weather warming up by noon.  We still have cool temperatures wth plenty of sunshine. I wish everyone to have a great day.


  1. Nice to see the sun today, we have had two days with out rain.
    Happy Sunday!

  2. You have blooms popping up all over! :) I hope Barney does okay on his new diet...old dogs are a challenge to take care of :(
