Saturday, April 21, 2018

Stuff for the Day.....

I zoomed in on her this morning, thinking she was nesting.  She was not nesting.  She is eating something from the spruce.  It may be the ends of the pine branch.  Other birds are feeding on the tree too.  I had one view finder look at her smacking her beak as if she were eating peanut butter.  I am sure it is a dry material and she does prefer it to what I have in my feeders.

The mourning doves are spending time on the deck while we are eating breakfast.  I showed up with the camera and the one is immediately taking off from the scene. The male is larger than the female as we watched them sitting on our deck rail. There is a size difference.

I have not any patience to get a clear shot of the goldfish at this time.  I do want to show how clear and clean the water it.  I am also showing the one green spot that the algae eater has not cleaned.  He really has done a good job of make the majority surfaces clear of the green stuff.

I am back in fourth grade learning how to root things.  I think I did root a carrot head in water when I was in third grade. This was just a display of pussy willow branches among flowers but it became more. The branches appreciated having water to make them continue to grow.  Now that the flower bouquet is spent the branches still look good in the glass vase by themselves.

I have been anxious to see the actual tree outside to put out leaves but my inside sticks are doing it with ease. The short buds are cute but they are also a mess as the fall off the branches and land on the counter or floor.

I was thinking this morning after seeing this mess that I am about to shut down this feeding operation.  Once this batch is eaten, and they will clear it all away, I will stop it all.  I want the table back and maybe in a few weeks we can sit out on the deck. There is no snow to keep them from finding their own food.  It really will take them a week to clean up things but from experience I know ever piece of millet will be gone.  The sunflower seed hulls do also wash away or are blown away.

I will continue to feed the thistle seed all summer.  I like seeing the goldfinches hanging on the socks.  The house finches do eventually just leave the go about nesting apparently in timber areas around our development.

Our days are going to now be warmer.  Our normal temps are much warmer than what we are having but I do think the scales have been tipped toward the warmer temperatures. I wish everyone to have a good day today. Thanks for stopping by at my blog.

1 comment:

  1. That is a real good photo of the Red Bird.
    We are going to get warmer but rain all day Sunday.
    I planted Giant Zinnia seeds today, So the rain could soak them.
