Friday, April 20, 2018


The red twig dogwood is looking good but still now new leaves have shown up yet. The statue in the back sits in the sun waiting for warmer weather.

The pussy willow buds seem to be hanging on for a long time. I kept thinking leaves will start soon.  The birds like the tree but I don’t think there is anything there that they eat.
I counted the number of clumps of iris that I have moved and it is 22 clumps.  This is the fastest growing clump which means it might be the white iris.  It usually blooms first along with the cemetery iris. This plant shown does look like it will mature enough to put out some blooms.

The daylily that is up looks strong enough that it has always been there.  It will be fun to see what color it will be.  I didn’t move day lilies like I did with iris.  I have about four that I moved.  I guess it was not so urgent as I can pick up new day lilies at the different stores around here. The iris that I have collected in 40 years can’t really be bought out right at any nursery.

The last time I took the truck to the old place I had a warning light on this tire. That means I need to put in some air.  I didn’t have my gage to know how much I needed to  fill it.  I made the first stop and of course the country store gas store doesn’t have a gage on the air hose, so I just guessed.  Took off after filling it and the warning light is still on. I am not use to caring for truck tires so I stopped again at another station and added some more air.  I thought that the tire must have been really low.  Making it a short story out of this mistake, I kept filling, with no gage.  I went out after I went home and I had 50 pounds of pressure in it.  The light of warning must no like an over inflated tire so it tells me something is wrong. I now have a gage in the truck now.  Yes, I had to let out a lot of air.

The sun is going to shine all day today.  It will be nice to see things becoming greener.  We have flowering trees that should have been in bloom by now that might just start doing that.  I hope everyone with cold and snow is now feeling this southerly breeze that we are having.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have some trees in full canopy and yet others not the first sign of a leaf. A buck rubbed our newly planted trees in the fall, not giving up we gave them the benefit of the doubt, but sadly we will have to replace.
    Your flowers are busting out all over :)
    Have a lovely weekend Larry !

  2. Good thing you splurged and bought a tire gauge:) Spring is coming...hope you don't get anymore snow:)
