Saturday, April 7, 2018

Stuff of the Day.......

We have too many dishes.  So I go and buy some more.  All of our piles of bowls are from old sets of dishes including a rescue from the city dump. Some of our bowls are too big or we have used them a lot.  I have sets of two for all of the kinds and we rotate them in use as they get dirty and are placed in the dishwasher.  I saw these the other day and bought two of different kinds.  They are perfect for a bowl of soup or a cereal bowl. The shape is perfect and the colors are fun to see. Change can brighten you day once in a while.

I picked up a different kind of bird seed that has made all of the birds happy.  Some of it includes peanuts and safflower seeds. It did immediately bring in the male cardinal eating off of the deck floor.

I rescued this from the basement storage area.  We had bought two of these for the boys when they were young to place some of their matchbox cars.  The spaces were actually too small for the average toy car so they went unused.

I took the kitchen sink sprayer to it a few days ago to get this one cleaned up.  I haven’t hung  yet it but I did find that I have lots of things that I can put into those cubicles.  When it is hung I will be busy seeking out the just right size of things to be put into it.  I may have moved the other one but I don’t have wall space for the second one.

The junco seems to be more of an acrobat when it comes to the deck railing.s This guy was walking the plank to find fallen millet seed on the board. They like to dodge in and out on the deck rail looking for things. The goldfinch is an acrobat when it comes to the thistle seed socks but they don’t do any prancing around on the boards like the juncos do.
On my Photo a Day blog I have a picture of this one guy dive bombing off of the branch making a blurred motion shot. He seems to be our bird as he is out there everyday. He may have a female that is nesting in the pine tree. I again yesterday saw two females arguing and one went away.  They looked like young birds.

We are taking a trip to another bookstore that is located in a big mall. We don’t usually shop at big malls for anything but we do get to eat at a Chick Fil a in the mall food court. Eating there means that there is always lots of people and you feel like your at a huge boy scout picnic. It is very cold again today and snow is forecast for Sunday.  I wish you all to have a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have been threatened with snow this week-end,
    it sure turned cold here.
    Love your bowls, I like fun dishes.
    Good bird shots, they are fun to watch.

  2. What colorful little cheery :)
    The birds are still hungry, so feed-buying continues. Just as flowers and trees are emerging, along comes the snow !
    Stay warm dear friend.

  3. Those are some great looking and colorful bowls, Larry. And, I can think of another thing that would could well in them - ice cream with toppings! Hope you don't get much more snow, as we had a lot of serious all afternoon flurries on Friday but no accumulation and now vit's cold and windy out. Where is spring?

  4. Those are some pretty bowls! Hope you had fun at the mall! Cold here snow tomorrow and then more in a few days...never ending:(
