Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday’s a Given......

My wife’s paintings help to make it look more like spring.  Iris don’t bloom in spring but it is good to see what we have to look forward to in the future. All three of these iris blooms I had in my collection at the old place.  We will see if they made the move successfully.

Even though we had a very hard freeze these white crocus did survive.  I now see that I have a lot of hyacinths coming up and different spring flowers coming into that garden.  The couple who were here before lived her 13 years and they did like to garden.  It is a great surprise to have their choices popping up out of the ground.

This one purple crocus did survive the freeze but the other half dozen did not. The daffodils also didn’t see bother with that extreme cold.  I don’t remember if there are any lily of the valley on the land but if not I can bring some from the old place.

While sitting at the dining room table to blog, I get to see a lot of bird activity.  These guys yesterday were waiting in line to get to the feeders.  The wind both yesterday and today give them a fun ride as the socks swing back and forth.

The leftover pile of seed on the table gives me opportunities of a good set of photos. The female cardinal will not land on the table but will pick up seed from the deck floor that the sparrow has shuffled there. When I can’t see what is on the one feeder on the one side I figure it out if it is a sparrow. When the seed just flies all directions as they shift their feet through the seed, I know it is a sparrow.

 This is just a photo of horror but not really.  While taking shots of the crocus yesterday afternoon I reached into the leaves.  A branch from the rosebush was there and I pulled out with a thorn. It is a blurry shot but it seemed to be something different to share. The dead thorns hurt like the green ones but the dead ones don’t go into the skin so far.

As I keep clearing the basement of things and putting more things away from the move, I created a pottery display.  I had built the shelf early on but I just recently painted it. I sort of had it in my mind to use it for displaying things.  As I wander around the basement, I see that I had placed pots here and there as accent pieces or places to just get them put away.  Anyway, this looks good and when the grandkids come I will clear it for toy storage. They are not arranged well now but I have more pots to move into the area.

My first tree to have leaves is the oversized pussy willow that sits behind the blue spruce. I have a goal to plant two more trees in the back yard to help block our view of the neighbors.  Our houses are nice but our row of houses  are above the ones below us.  So as we look out and down we see their back side of their houses.  When I cook on the deck, like last nigh, I look down into their main floors below and share the experience with the neighbor guy who is also grilling.  It is just like the California homes when you see their one  back view from their house is the roof of the houses below.  I think a couple of strategically placed trees will eventually block the view.  I also want to raise the height of the railing of our deck.  We will have more privacy with that too.  That I can do immediately.

Thanks for checking in today.  We are suppose to be cold for quite a while with snow threatening whenever. Their predictions seem to be more like guesses these days. Everyone take care.

1 comment:

  1. della's painting are beautiful! That is a wonderful sight to see blooming flowers in paintings and the little Crocus too...we are very cold, it is like January weather:(
